A Good Bad Example

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A good bad example, that's what they call me
I'm broken and lost, a shattered identity
They say I'm a cautionary tale, a warning to heed
But all I want is someone to see my pain and take heed

I try to be strong, to put on a brave face
But inside I'm drowning in this never-ending race
I make all the wrong choices, push everyone away
I'm a hurricane of destruction, leaving wreckage in my wake

My parents shake their heads, my teachers sigh
They look at me with disappointment in their eyes
I'm just a lost cause, a failure in their sight
They can't see the tears I cry alone every night

I crave love and acceptance, but all I receive
Are harsh words and judgment, making it hard to breathe
I want to break free from this cycle of pain
But the weight of my mistakes leaves me feeling insane

I long for a chance to start fresh and anew
To shake off this label of a good bad example, too
But for now, I'll continue to carry this heavy load
Hoping someday, I'll find my way back to the road


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