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He's the light that guides us,
The force that keeps us strong,
The spirit that connects us,
And sings our souls a song.

He's in the air we breathe,
The trees that sway and dance,
The mountains and the rivers,
All part of his grand romance.

In every blade of grass,
In every drop of rain,
The beauty that surrounds us,
Is his eternal domain.

He's the truth that we seek,
The hope that we hold dear,
The love that we aspire to,
And the answer to our fear.

He's the Alpha and the Omega,
The beginning and the end,
The infinite and the eternal,
Our everlasting friend.

We may not always understand,
His mysterious ways and plan,
But in our hearts we know,
He's there with a gentle hand.

May we always remember,
To trust and believe in his grace,
And cherish his love and light,
As we journey through life's race.


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