Left Out

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The world keeps turning, it never stops,
As life goes on and friendships drop,
Sometimes I feel like I'm on the outside,
Left out, alone, it's hard to hide.

I see the parties, the laughter and fun,
But when it comes to me, I feel undone,
Maybe I'm not cool enough, or fun to be around,
Whatever the reason, it leaves me feeling drowned.

It's hard to shake that feeling of rejection,
To let go of the hurt and find that connection,
But I know deep down, that I am enough,
And someday soon, I'll find my tribe, tough.

So if you ever feel like you don't belong,
Remember to stay hopeful and stay strong,
For life is full of twists and turns,
And one day soon, you'll find your own, precious gems to earn.


CarminiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora