Jack: Vic!

Vic: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 

Dean: Come on, man. Like I thought I was clear. Look, guys, I don't want to make my a birthday a thing, okay?

Chief Ripley: Miller. 

Dean: Yeah. 

Chief Ripley: I had no idea. Happy birthday. 

Dean: Thank you, sir. 

Vic: Chief Ripley, hello. 

Chief Ripley: I was uh- I was looking for Sullivan. I figured he'd be in here for breakfast. 

Andy: He doesn't eat with us, Chief. 

Chief Ripley: No?

Vic: No. 

Chief Ripley: Huh. Okay, thank you all. I'll try his office. Oh, and, Bishop, I was pleased to see your Lieutenant application come through. Looking forward to our interview. 

We all turn our faces to Maya in confusion. 

Maya: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. 

Jack: Wow. Low-key throwing your hat in the ring, Bishop. I like it.

Maya: It's nothing. I applied for a lieutenant position. That's it.

Me: It's not nothing. 

Maya: It's just an application.

Vic: *muffled* Application and an interview. 

Andy: This is a big deal. I mean I-I'm in your bathroom oversharing every morning, and y-you kept something this big a secret?

Maya: It's not a secret. It's just one application. That's it. And I didn't mention it because I don't want to talk about it yet. *walks away*

I finished putting the cream cheese on my bagel and I put my used utensils in the sink. I put back the rest of the items I used back to where I had found it and I joined Vic at the table. 

Vic: Did you know about that?

Me: What?

Vic: Her applying for the lieutenant position. 

Me: Um no. I kind of had to worry about other things *I slightly smiled*

Vic: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah, just kind of tired of people asking me that question.

I stood up and put my plate in the sink. I walked out of the beanery and headed into the gym. I sat down and started to workout a bit trying my best not to push myself too much. About twenty minutes later, I changed into a new outfit and met up with the others who were standing in the barn. 

Capt. Sullivan: Welcome to basic life-saving training. We'll be working in groups. Officers, you're here today to be more effective in the field. Sometimes P.D. arrives first on the scene. When a victim is severely injured, every second matters. Today, you learn how to make those seconds count. 

Dean: *whispers* Just to be clear, if Jack asks you to buy balloons the correct answer is no. 

Me: *I nod* You got it. Streamers are more eco-friendly anyway. 

We both look at each other and I tried my best not to laugh. 

Capt. Sullivan: I want two firefighters on every dummy with four or five officers each. Let's get to it. 

Dean and I walk over to a table and we get the table set up. I start to show this guy a certain type of CPR while Dean is at the table holding a clipboard. 

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