oyakata dismisses the meeting as the hashira disperse. (y/n) takes douma and akaza to the room where the other upper-moons are, she heaves an exhausted sigh, wondering if her gambles will pay off in the end. She has faith that the percentage of failure is 80/100 compared to how good she feels about it which is 50/50.



It was night once again as (y/n) was surveying a village under oyakata's orders. She was by herself as the others had their own missions to see through, although the lot of them wanted to go with her despite her capabilities to protect herself, "hmph...i'm a warrior, not some damsel in distress!" she grumbles.

(y/n) felt the upcoming battle between the slayers and muzan was soon near, her gut instinct told her. She was worried about everyone but more especially, the last remaining upper-moon whom she has yet to convince on her side.

upper-moon one was tricky considering he hates his younger brother; yoriichi and the fact he became a demon just to become stronger. he was stubborn and egoistic as well as arrogant.

the foreign girl does not want muichirou to die so she has to find some way to...—

"damn you kokushibou!" she mutters while kicking some rocks with her foot, before shaking her head with a groan, "nah, that's an ugly name! I like tsugikuni michikatsu! hehe.." the girl suddenly stiffens when she feels a foreboding presence behind her. Her eyes dart to the large shadow overcast and gulps. oh....

"you..." a deep baritone voice speaks up from behind her, causing her to flinch, "..how do you know that name?" he demands as (y/n) slowly turns around, her eyes leveled with a muscular chest clothed in a dark purple robe before she slowly trails them up, seeing six eyes staring down at her.

YOWZA!!! Her heart skips a beat from slight fear cause who wouldn't jump from six huge eyeballs staring down at you???

The foreign girl quickly backs away but kokushibou closes the distance with each step he takes until he backs her up into one of the nearest trees. i'm starting to see a trend here...

kokushibou swiftly unsheathes his blade and points the tip near her neck in a threatening manner, but she wasn't fazed at all....okay, maybe a little bit.—

the foreign girl remains silent, furthering his annoyance towards her as upper moon one eyes her up and down. kokushibou knows how powerful she is considering she brought muzan to his knees and obliterated him. He was also not to harm her under direct orders, hence why he reluctantly drew his sword away, sheathing it.

(y/n) felt uneasy from his gaze but she did not deter, "...what're you looking at six eyes!?" she huffs, crossing her arms as she subtly tries to leave but kokushibou did not allow it as he grabs her arm and pushes her back against the tree, making her gasp, "kinky..." he immediately lets go of her with an irritated look on his face. what is wrong with this human..??

"you did not...answer...my question," he takes a domineering step towards her, "how...do you know...that name?" his six eyes narrowed dangerously at her as he refrained from hurting her. He knows this girl is dangerous..

(y/n) frowns, huffing as she chooses to walk away in hopes of getting further away from him but kokushibou was persistent and continues to follow her as she feels his piercing gaze on the back of her head. It was disturbing to say the least...she sighs in exasperation, glancing back at him. what the fuck does he want from me, ugh!!

she speeds up a bit, making kokushibou raise an eyebrow as he easily kept up with her pace. He won't leave her alone until she answers his questions, "ugh!! can't you just leave me alone!! i have nothing to say to you, you madara-look-alike! spikey-haired freak!" she jabs at his appearance.

kokushibou ignores her complaints and odd insults, they weren't of use to him nor did he care. All he wants right now is some answers, which the foreign girl seems to understand but is not giving...or so it seems.

"...truthfully speaking," (y/n) looks down with a thoughtful look, making kokushibou dart his gaze to her attentively, "...you are just as equal to your brother as he is to you. I just don't understand why it has to be a competition for. you're a great swordsman and you don't need validation to know your worth. I just wish you'd see that." she shrugs, looking at the distance as the night trudged on.

kokushibou slightly widened his eyes, looking intensely at her. what did she say?

"..you compare yourself too much to yoriichi that you fail to see how much he admired and loved you. Every person's individual skill is their own, so there shouldn't be a need for jealousy. of course, i understand there are times when you feel like your best is not at its peak but that's okay, because you try and try again.." she pauses, "but to hold such malice against your brother is taking it a bit too far, although what would i know...—"

(y/n) began rambling as the topic was drifting further away and now she just wanted to say random stuff, although kokushibou was not paying attention at all. He was busy thinking about her words and couldn't help the scowl on his face. What did she know?? he was from the sengoku period and they were in taisho era...

He bites his lips harshly, blooding trailing as he grits his teeth, knuckles clenching tightly enough to shatter his bones. how can she read him so easily when muzan even couldn't??!

. shinobu was ready to break all rules to kill douma.
. kokushiobou is conflicted about (y/n).
. kokushiobou hates how (y/n) can see through him.
. kokushibou wonders what muzan sees in (y/n).
. akaza got bored.
. akaza wants to fight rengoku again after seeing him.
. douma is now confused about the odd human called (y/n).

a/n: enjoy!!!

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now