41- Final verdict

Start from the beginning

After Daddy excused himself, I recounted our discussion to Mamma and my aunties, their nods of approval bringing a sense of validation to my decision. "It's for the best, dear," Auntie Halima reassured me, her voice filled with conviction. "This will put an end to all the gossip and speculation. You've made the right choice."

I nodded, trying to quell the lingering doubts that gnawed at my insides. "I hope so," I murmured, my gaze drifting to the window where the bright sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow over the room.

Mamma squeezed my hand gently, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and concern. "You've shown great strength through all of this, my dear. Allah will guide you," she said softly, her words offering a glimmer of reassurance.

Despite their words of encouragement, a knot of fear still coiled in my stomach. What if Nadia came after me again? What if I had made the wrong decision by agreeing to go through with the wedding? The uncertainty of the future loomed large, casting a shadow over my newfound resolve.

Later in the day, Hannan and Rabia arrived, their vibrant energy infusing the room with life as we delved into random conversations. "I can't believe your wedding events are starting just four days after you leave the hospital!" Rabia exclaimed.

"I mean first one is just henna party it'll be chill," I said.

"Wallahi fa just four day! Will you be able to handle it?" Hannan inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

"In sha Allah, I should be fine. The swelling on my head will have gone down by then, and makeup can easily cover the scar," I reassured them, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Hannan let out a frustrated sigh, her eyes flickering with irritation. "Stop neglecting your health, A'isha. You need to take those iron pills and vitamins seriously baki jin magana," she scolded, her caring nature shining through despite her exasperation.

"I'll try, I promise," I replied earnestly, making a mental note to heed her advice.

Rabia interjected with practical plans, her organizational skills coming to the forefront. "I'll pick up your shoes and bags from the personal shopper tomorrow, and then Fefe and I will start getting your room ready and moving your belongings to your husband's house," she announced, her efficiency evident in her tone.

"Thank you both so much. I don't know what I'd do without you," I expressed, feeling a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support.

"You'd die," Rabia joked, eliciting laughter from all of us.

Hannan, always the one to inject humor into any situation, leaned in conspiratorially. "I have a special turaren wuta and khumra for you. Use them at night when he comes back from work, he'll be mesmerized yana jin kanshi yana buga masa hankali." she suggested with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Rabia joined in with a knowing smile, confirming Hannan's recommendation. "Trust me, it works wonders," she chimed in, her laughter bubbling over.

"Eww, I really don't need to hear about your bedroom activities," I protested, feigning disgust.

Hannan waved off my objections with a grin. "Oh, come on! I've been waiting for ages for you girls to get married to have these conversations with you," she teased, her playful demeanor lightening the mood.

Together, we laughed and reminisced, the weight of recent events momentarily lifted in the presence of my closest friends. The nagging doubts still lingered, casting a shadow over the uncertain path that lay ahead.


After being discharged from the hospital, I returned home to find a flurry of guests who had arrived for the wedding. Just the sight of them left me utterly drained; all I longed for was some much-needed rest.

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