chapter 14.

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Lexie's P.O.V:

it was Monday  and I honestly tried to piece together the event's the happened last Friday but I failed miserably

I stared down at my bowl of mixed fruits, oats and milk. I knew Zayn was there but that's all I seem to recall

oh kill me. 

I basically spent the weekend studying the damn lessons, thanks to Liam I'm actually getting it, which is a great thing

I think?

I've been spacing out every few minutes, which is bad obviously my mind's just swamped

"Lex!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts

"What?" I answered flustered 

I looked over to Alyssa who was trying to tell me something, but I blocked it all out until she said "Mr. Malik told me to tell you that you'll be spending the week with him, he said it's only fair" she shrugged

'it's only fair' you can shove your after class sessions up your ass cocky bastard. 


"Lex!" a voice called out yet again

can everyone stop disturbing my thoughts?

"what?" I looked over to all of them who were looking at me worried 

"you've been somewhere else?" Bea raised an eye brow at me

oh, they've noticed

"yeah love it's kinda hard to talk to you when you're not all there" Harry rasped 

his voice is too deep in the morning

it's a good deep

"yeah" I smiled and they nodded an conversed

"you good?" Jasmine mumbled in my ear

"yeah, tell you later" I sighed picking up the spoon and finally eating my breakfast


Jasmine and I have been walking around for at least half an hour, because it was free period, I told her everything I had trapped in my mind

"so basically you're obsessing about Mr. fuck-able again?" she teased

I don't even bother scolding her, but I swear she has no filter

"I guess" I sighed

fuck my brain

"Well you have to get over it, he's our next class" she smirked

I frowned and she chuckled and shook her head

"Thanks, Jas thanks so much" I playfully rolled my eyes "get over it" she giggled 

yeah, get over it


I slumped down on my seat and let my head rest on my desk

"Lex" Jasmine shook me and chuckled

"Let me be" I groaned "let me have peace before-" 

"before you confront our insanely hot Math professor" she wiggled her eye brows finishing my sentence... well her version of it at least

but the thought was the same.. I guess?

"shut up" I said closing my eyes 

the anticipation is killing me!

and as if on queue "Good afternoon class" 


I lift my head up to see him already glaring at me

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