Chapter 2 : The birth of love

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" The most beautiful part is , I wasn't even looking when I found you! "


This episode may contain some themes that could be uncomfortable for some readers


Without much thought, I found myself sprinting towards him, my voice echoing with urgency, "Watch out... watch out!" He halted abruptly, his expression a mixture of confusion and surprise, his bodyguards instantly assuming defensive positions, hands tightening around their firearms.

As I closed the distance, time seemed to distort, each step elongated, every heartbeat echoing in my ears. Light warped, sound faded, and the air turned frigid, a prelude to the impending chaos. Then, the deafening crack of gunfire shattered the stillness.

The bodyguards pivoted towards the assailant, swift and calculated in their response, shielding their employer from harm. I instinctively shielded him, pulling him behind the shelter of a nearby car, our bodies pressed close in a desperate bid for safety.

In that fleeting moment of shelter, our eyes locked, a silent exchange of fear and uncertainty amidst the chaos. The world seemed to dissolve around us, crumbling into chaos, yet in that shared moment, time stood still. We remained frozen in our embrace, oblivious to the turmoil raging around us.

His gaze, intense and captivating, pierced through the chaos, captivating me in its depths. It was as if our souls had collided, intertwining in a moment of shared vulnerability. Despite the danger that loomed, there was a strange sense of tranquility in our connection, a brief respite from the chaos that enveloped us.

I was mesmerized by him , his eyes were pools of midnight, depths of darkness that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within them. Framed by thick lashes that accentuated their intensity, they gleamed with a mesmerizing hue of dark blue, reminiscent of the deepest oceans. Each glance was like a journey into the unknown, drawing you in with their enigmatic allure. In their depths, emotions swirled like hidden currents, veiled behind a facade of cool composure. Yet, beneath the surface, lays a world of untold depth and complexity, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to venture into their depths.

Then suddenly it got to my attention that his arm is bleeding , the blood came thick and strong, flowing to his hand and fingers as they clasped the ripped flesh. He felt the blood move over his hand, the thick fluid not warmer or cooler than his own skin. After a few moments more the blood was still leaving his rapidly paling flesh, but his pulses were slower, weaker.
"We should get you to the hospital, you're bleeding," I exclaimed, my voice laced with concern, though my heart pounded with a mixture of fear and fascination.

"Well, sweetheart, I'd be more inclined to cooperate if you'd kindly release your vice-like grip " he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm, as if mocking the absurdity of the situation , his grin widening into a smirk that could charm the devil himself.

It took me a hot second to realize I was still holding him. I quickly let go as he ordered one of his men to accompany us to the hospital, leaving the other to deal with the assassin. I was kind of shocked; this man acted like it was nothing to get shot, as if it were an everyday occurrence. How could he be so sarcastic in this condition? Who is this man? And why does he have bodyguards with him? Who would want to kill him? He must be somebody...

As I pondered these questions, we arrived at the hospital. He left his bodyguard outside the room while I was inside with him, treating his wound after he nonchalantly removed his shirt, revealing his bare, sculpted skin. As I stitched the injury, my hands trembled from all the events of the day, yet I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from his mesmerizing physique rippled with defined muscles, each contour a testament to hours spent honing his body. Broad shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist, showcasing his raw strength and athleticism.

With chiseled features and piercing eyes that exuded confidence, he has a powerful grace that commanded attention wherever he went. His presence alone seemed to ignite a blaze of desire in those around him, leaving no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.
Eveybody stopped and stared at him while we were entering the hospital . He was the epitome of rugged charm, with a touch of maturity that only added to his allure. Salt-and-pepper hair framed a strong jawline, hinting at the wisdom of experience beneath his rugged exterior.

His eyes, weathered by time yet still sparkling with vitality, held a magnetic gaze that drew others in effortlessly. Despite the lines etched on his face, his grin exuded warmth and reassurance, a reflection of the depth of his character.

With an understated confidence and a hint of mischief in his demeanor, he possessed a timeless appeal that made him undeniably irresistible .

I found myself nudging my nose against his,our lips met in a fervent embrace, igniting a fire that blazed with an intensity all its own. His lips were warm and soft. They perted slightly allowing my toung to slip inside.In that moment, time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the intoxicating dance of desire. Each touch was electric, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through our veins. Our breath mingled in a shared rhythm, a silent symphony of longing and surrender.
With every press of our lips, they poured their souls into the kiss, expressing a depth of emotion that words could never capture. It was a collision of passion and longing, a testament to the undeniable connection that bound us together in that fleeting, but infinitely precious moment...

Meanwhile back at the hotel :

In the empty hotel lobby, their worlds collided with an unexpected force.
As he stumbled opon her unintentionally, nearly falling, it was her unwavering grip that steadied him, holding him in a moment of suspended time. Intrigued by the strength of her touch, he found himself captivated by her presence. Her perfume lingered in the air, a tantalizing invitation to delve deeper into the mystery of her being.

Mesmerized by the warmth of her brown eyes, the softness of her brown hair, and the ethereal glow of her snow-white skin, he couldn't help but be drawn to her. Each glance revealed new layers of her beauty, from the curve of her red lips to the grace of her elegant attire.

In that fleeting moment, amidst everything around him , he knew he had stumbled upon something extraordinary - a love that would defy all odds and reshape the course of his life forever.

She regarded the encounter with a disinterested gaze, her eyes betraying no hint of curiosity or engagement. With a casual shrug of her shoulders, she dismissed what happened as inconsequential, her attention already drifting elsewhere. It was as if the mere happening of this accident failed to ignite even the slightest spark of interest within her, leaving her unmoved and indifferent to his allure.

As she pressed forward on her way, a second figure, a bald silhouette, sidled up beside him. The first man gestured toward the woman ahead and spoke with unwavering determination:

"I want you to uncover her identity, her whereabouts... I demand to know every detail about her," he declared, his voice laced with intensity.

"But Mr. Korolyov, who are you referring to?" the bald man inquired, his confusion palpable.

"Her. The one adorned in the ebony fur coat," he stated resolutely.

"Very well, sir... Mr. Dimitri? The assassin remains silent. Every method has been exhausted, yet we've gleaned nothing," the bald man reported solemnly.

"That's of no consequence. I shall attend to him myself. Focus on the task at hand," he commanded with authoritative conviction.

"Yes, sir. Right away," the bald man affirmed, hastening to carry out his instructions.

As the bald figure trailed the enigmatic, elegant woman cloaked in midnight fur, Dimitri Korolyov set forth on the clandestine task of addressing the assassin's enigma...

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