Ep 27 - No Peaking Allowed!

Start from the beginning

Naruto grabbed his bag and threw out the scrolls he had in them.

"You can't be serious."

"Of course I am. I've got tons of scrolls, we could change one of these to look exactly like the Heaven scroll."

"Stop! Don't even! Even if you could fake the outside, how can you fake what's written on the inside? You couldn't know without reading it and that's against the rules." Sakura said.


"I've got it all figured out, I think this things have a secret code that only reveals itself when you put them together." Naruto said. "Yeah, and that secret code is like the password you need to get into the tower at the end of the exam, believe it!"

"All I got was that your an idiot." Sakura sighed.


"We've never even had a Heaven scroll so how in the world are we gonna fake what's inside it!" Sakura yelled at him. "The next brilliant idea you get how about keeping it to yourself. We've got enough problem....."

'But we did have a Heaven scroll though, even it was only for a few hours....'

"But wait, we do have a clue about what's inside the Heavens scroll, the Earth scroll."

"You wouldn't."

"It's our only chance, I'm gonna open it and read this scroll."

"I knew you were stupid, but not this stupid!" This time it was my turn to yell at Naruto. "Did you not here the rules were forbidden from looking what's inside the scrolls before arriving at the tower!"

"I know, but if we don't do something we'll never make it!" Naruto yelled back as he rubbed his head from were Sakura hit him.

'And just like that a tense atmosphere has fallen upon us.' I sighed, as Naruto held the scroll in his hand with Sakura right behind him.

Naruto was trembling and sweating too, Sakura wasn't looking that much better either, but I wonder what those guys saw when they opened the earth scroll, so I guess I am a bit curious.

Just before Naruto could open the scroll, Kabuto stoping him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said, just as Sasuke arrived.


                 "I can't believe you guys." Sasuke said in disappointment.

"If I hadn't come along when I did."

"Sorry, Sasuke."

"Umah Sorry."

"You guys definitely should be sorry." I scolded.

"You aren't any better either, Aki. Instead of trying to stop them you just stood by and watched." Sasuke glared.


"There have been others who've broken the rule and tried to peak into the scroll. I've seen what happens to them. There protected by a powerful hypnosis Jutsu, a kind of booby trap for anyone unwise enough to try to read them." Kabuto explained. "It'll knock you senseless and by the time you wake up, the exams over."

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