27 | life isn't fair

Start from the beginning

My thoughts get rudely interrupted as the door buzzes, but someone who's not the torturer walks in. It's a woman, blonde and wearing a red suit. None other than Madeleine Morozov of course.

Her little puppy, Charlotte Ivanova follows along behind her. Ugh, I should have killed that coño when I had the chance.

"Well," Madeleine starts, clapping her hands together, "I finally get to meet the girl who has been causing so much chaos. You're the infamous Poison Ivy Assassin."

"Want me to sign you an autograph?" I ask her, managing to let out a small chuckle without coughing. "Wanna take a picture too? Only if you untie my hands though," I tease.

"In this situation and you're making jokes?" she questions skeptically. "If I were you, I'd be thinking of my last words instead."

"How about fuck you?" Okay, she might be a badass who runs a mafia by herself but still, seriously fuck her.

"Life isn't fair, sweetheart," she mutters, taking steps to get closer to me. She kneels down right in front of me so my eyes meet with hers. "You had everything handed to you by your cute little family."

What the fuck? If she says something about my family again, I'm definitely not leaving till she has at least eight bullet holes through her.

"Well, before they died in front of you, isn't that right?" she taunts. I don't think before spitting on her face, "Puta!"

She stumbles back and falls on her ass. Kind of embarrassing if you ask me. Even her minion, Ivanova stumbles back too.

"Giovanni!" Madeleine yells, "Come deal with this bitch!" Not even a second later, her little oompa loompa runs out of the room, to go fetch Giovanni I'm assuming. Oh... getting a man to do your dirty work? Maybe not so badass after all.

Wait- what? Giovanni? What kinda Russian man has that name? They don't. So she's working with an Italian?

I watch as a tall man walks in, adjusting the blazer of his suit. Wow, and I'm here still in that uncomfortable dress. Not to mention, I'm absolutely freezing since they've been throwing cold water at me for hours.

"We finally meet again, Ivory," he smirks. First, you got too many wrinkles to be smirking at me. Second, I could smell your stank ass cologne the moment you stepped in, back up bud.

"Meet again?" I repeat his words. When did I ever meet him? I think I would have remembered this strong stinky ass cologne.

"When you were on the plane," he states but my brows furrow even more. "With my son Kylian." WHAT?

My mouth drops and he notices. "Oh so he hasn't spoken about me?" he chuckles walking towards me. I think the cologne might have traumatised him.

I shake my head, not bothering to talk. "He's hiding something from you, you know? So you might as well betray him," he yaps. Yap, yap, yap. All I'm hearing.

"Betray me?" I scoff at his words. He's lying. I'm not stupid. "Tell me something about him, and I'll tell you what he's hiding," he suggests.

I'm obviously not going to do that. So instead, I'll try to anger him until he spits it out. "Well, he's mentioned that you ran away after the murder of your wife and daughter," I say.

His hand turns into a fist beside his body. "Run away? I, Giovanni De Luca, wouldn't dare to do that," he says through his gritted teeth. Okay woah, we aren't in a Shakespeare play bud.

Clearly, my tactic is working though so I decide to continue. "And you've been hiding all this time right?"

"Does it look like I'm the type of man to hide away all these years?" he seethes, kneeling down in front of me. Oh, grandpa, you look like you've been hiding in a grave, six feet under, matter of fact.

"There are stories about you, you know?" I add. "Why'd you run away and where'd you go to stay undercover? Some even say you've been working with the police." The last thing I may or may not have pulled out of my ass. But his no brain fat ass head wouldn't know that.

He opens his mouth to reply but instead, I feel a large hand hit the side of my face and instantly my ears start ringing.

My hand tries to reach for my cheek but I realise I'm tied up. For the first time, I actually think about how they could do everything and anything to me and I can't fight back.

"You bitch, you better listen to me!" he yells, standing up. "I found out that your parents were planning on making a team and breaching the mafia base to kill me. My son's first real mission was to kill them, and he did."

"You're lying," I scoff. "Lying? He knows he's the one that did this to your family!" he lets out a laugh. "I make him remember each person he kills and look through their history. He knew about you, poor little seventeen-year-old Ivory Fernandez. I wasn't stupid though, I hid the part about Elio he had no idea about that."

The more he speaks the more I'd like to rip out his vocal cords. "Oh, honey. Don't tell me you're speechless," he almost whispers, caressing his nasty fingers across my face.

"Speechless?" I repeat. "Oh, honey. I'm not speechless. I just don't believe your lying ass. C'mon, you're gonna have to do way better than that."

"Viktor!" he screams out and the guy that has been torturing me walks in. That was the shortest break ever and fuck there's even more I have to endure.

"Tie her up," Giovanni orders. Viktor listens, he helps me stand up by grabbing my waist. Ew. He then grabs my tied hands and ties them to a metal rod on the ceiling.

Wait, what the fuck is this? Immediately, my feet hover over the floor and I need to use every power of mine to keep up. If I try to relax, the metal handcuffs will cut through my skin. From the stinging, it seems like it already has.

Giovanni and Madeleine walk out, leaving me in a room with this bastard. He grabs a bucket and splashes me with ice-cold water again. I'm getting tired of this.

"I know you're bored of this," he reads my mind, the Russian accent rolling off his tongue, "so I have a new method to get you talking."

I don't reply but watch as a guard walks in, handing him a stick. Wow, is he gonna beat me with that? This isn't something new.

The stick turns on and blue lines zap out of it. Yep, if I wasn't fucked before I definitely am now. "I'm giving you a chance to speak before I do this," he reminds me.

"Fuck you," I spit, kicking him in the balls as he gets closer. He immediately stumbles back and clutches his nonexistent dick.

"Now you're just asking for it," he scoffs, gripping his hands tighter around the stick before stabbing it into my stomach. The electricity mixed with the cold water is a type of pain I've never felt before and I can't help but let out a scream of pain.

"I'm still not talking," I say, out of breath. "You do you," he shrugs before repeating the same method but this time increasing the amount of electricity used.

A scream worse than the last leaves my lips and my whole body gives out. To add onto the pain, the cuffs are cutting into my skin and another scream leaves me.

Kylian, where are you?

| authors note |


hope you liked this chapter and pretty please vote 🤗

word count | 1883

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