Put This Record Down (fluff)

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Catching her attention, you said, "Hey, Pen, the one with red hair keeps looking at you." Her eyes widened and she blushed. You chuckled.

"Really?" She Questioned.

You nodded. "Stand round here with me and you'll see."

She joined you, faining interest in the harder rock music in front of her. You glanced up at the boys again, only to catch the one in the hat looking at you. Briefly catching his eye, you looked away, feeling a heat rise in your cheeks.

"He looked at you," Penny mumbled, not moving her lips.

"I know," you muttered back. Looking up again you saw the red-haired one look at your friend. "That one looked at you."

"Oh, I see who you mean now," she whispered, making eye contact with him for a split second. "Not bad, not bad," she said, more to herself than you.

Glancing back up, you looked better at the one in the hat, who held up a record, it was hard to see who it was but it looked like a Marvin Gaye one. A soul fan, interesting. You observed that he had light brown hair, bordering on the blonde side and it looked like he was trying to grow large sideburns, or perhaps he had just forgotten to shave, it was difficult to tell. He also donned a strange kind of beanie hat and black sweat bands on his wrists. He wore all blue. This strange style choice intrigued you, you barely even looked at the others. He was pretty cute you had to admit but he was probably looking at you because there weren't many people in the shop, you were just someone to look at. He'd become separated from his group who had moved around the vinyls while he stayed at the soul section. It was unusual to see someone so young interested in soul, you'd always thought of it as old people music but now you supposed it must attract young and attractive guys. You smirked to yourself at this thought.

You kept flashing glances in his direction but nothing came of it, you were sure he kept giving you fleeting looks but you never caught his eye again for a while. It must just be one of those story book 'hot guy at the store' kinda tales. He was probably a dick anyway.

Penny has wondered away across the shop a little, still looking at CDs. She seemed to have lost interest in the boys. You let her get on with her thing while you went to the jazz section, nothing in her interested you very much but you were killing time at this point waiting for her to finish looking, she always took forever in shops.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone walk over to her. Without making ir obvious, you had a look. It was the red ans black haired guy. He was making a move. You observed from afar as he spoke to her, what he said was indistinguishable but soon they both began to talk easily, giving each other genuine smiles and laughing together. You sighed. That's how it always worked, she got the boys, you were left with no one. She was a very attractive person, even you had to admit, so there was no wonder boys always spoke to her. It was just unfair, she was practically always in a relationship.

Looking over to the boys who he had been with, you saw that they were all stood together, talking. He really was cute... the one in the hat. You kept on looking through the unfamiliar names in jazz to take your mind off the fact that Penny once again had a boy who was interested in her.

"Oh, jazz?" Came an unfamiliar voice from beside you. You were startled and turned to see the boy in the hat.

"Y-yeah," you stuttered. "Sorry," you said, beginning to chuckle at how awkward you were being. "You surprised me that's all, I didn't see you come over."

He smiled. "They don't call me the ninja for nothing."

"Do they really?"

"No," he said with a smirk. "That was complete nonsense, I just wanted to be funny... anyway, are you a jazz fan?"

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