Sunshine Machine (suggestive)

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"And I'm a sunshine machine
I want to get stuck
I want to get stuck
And be golden in your memory"


So this one is basically a female reader and it's quite cheeky. It also involves the song W.A.M.S and a certain aspect of it...

Its set during the recording of FAD

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!

Any feedback or ideas is greatly appreciated! I wanna know what everyone wants to read please if that's possible!

Thank you :))


W.A.M.S was a very special song to you and Patrick, the lyrics, the melody, the instrumentation but also the creation process...

Most people don't know how W.A.M.S was fully created, not even all of the members of the band. But you and Patrick new, it would be your little secret.


The band was in the studio, finishing up recording the song. Everything was in order and almost all of it had been completed. Patrick had told everyone that he wanted to do an interesting ending to the song. Exactly what he wanted, he didn't know so when it was time to leave he decided to stay overtime with you in the building to mess about with his guitar a bit and find the Outro that the song needed.

You often stayed with them during the recording process, you enjoyed seeing the technical stuff and you of course loved seeing your partner in his element, singing his little heart out and playing his signature guitar for all his fans to hear when the album made the shelves.

"See you guys tomorrow," he said to the boys as they left through the front door.

"Don't forget to lock up, Patrick," Andy warned, his sticks poking out his backpack.

Patrick promised he wouldn't.

"Same time tomorrow?" Asked Joe, holding his guitar case over his shoulder.

"Yep," replied Patrick.

"I can't wait to hear what you come up with. We can mix it all properly tomorrow," said Pete.

Patrick nodded. "I'm sure the song will all come together when we cut it."

They all agreed.

"See ya Patrick!" Said Joe and the others said something similar as they left.

"Bye," smiled Patrick with a small wave.

You and your boyfriend were alone in thr studio and you both stood facing each other. You smiled at him, observing his beautiful face. The sideburns were still there, you had to admit, they certainly weren't everyone's cup of tea but they were definitely yours. You loved them. You thought they framed his handsome face so well and really bought out his lips, an odd thing to say but that's what you thought.

"So, have you got any ideas for the outro?" You asked him, leaning against a large bass speaker. "Anything I can do to help with anything?"

Patrick Stump Imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now