Rhythm of the Rain (smüt)

61 3 15

She's in a long black coat tonight
Waiting for me in the downpour outside
She's singing "Baby come home" in a melody of tears
While the rhythm of the rain keeps time

Hey so this one is an nb reader (I don't specify a gender etc)

You and Patrick share a shower basically and things get a bit out of hand

It's set during SRAR

. Talk of depression (seasonal)
. Weight loss



The January blues had kicked in, smacking you in the balls like a sucker punch. Christmas was over and now you had nothing to look forward too, your birthday wasnt for a while and honestly, you were just stuck in a well of seasonal depression. Patrick was out recording Save Rock and Roll, the final song off the album with Sir Elton John. Big news, and even bigger stress on top of big blues.

You just wanted him to be home, that was the only thing that cheered you up at the moment, seeing your husband and you wanted him as you wasted away hours in your sitting room in front of thr TV.

There was a click in the hallway and a familiar voice, "Hey y/n!"

He was back.

"Hi Patrick," you said, a smile growing on your face as you got up to greet him at the door.

Standing in the doorway, fedora and leather jacket on, he smiled at you, genuinely happy to see you. The early evening light dimly lit him from behind and you could see the vertical lines of heavy rain outside, along with the smell of wet grass, you were surprised you hadn't heard the patter of it on the roof earlier. That's when you noticed that Patrick was wet through and freezing, his teeth were chattering.

"Oh, come inside and warm up!" You exclaimed, putting your arm on his back and guiding him inside. You could feel the freezing air running through thr house from the open door, as the January chill took hold.

"Th-thank you," he said, teeth gritted as he shook under your arm. You could feel the dampness seeping through your sleeve.

You wanted to know how recording had gone but he had to get warm first.

Quickly, you rushed to the downstairs bathroom and got him a fluffy towel to wear. Wrapping himself up in it tightly, rubbing his dripping hair on it, he thanked you.

"Shall I run you a bath?" You asked as he sat down on the edge of the sofa, leaning over his legs to try and keep warm.

He shook his head. "I'll have a sh-shower in a bit but thank you."

You frowned. "How was recording? How was Elton?"

He nodded with a weak smile. "Very good, we did the whole song a-and it sounded g-good. Elton was lovely." He seemed happy with how the day went.

"Aw good! I'm glad," you replied, sitting down next to him and putting your arm around his back to try and give him some extra warmth, thankfully he seemed a little warmer now. Tilting your head, you looked at his face. Small droplets of water ran down his smooth skin from his damp hair but he didn't seen to notice them. Minuscule orbs rested on his long eyelashes and although his jaw was still tense, his teeth weren't chattering together as much as before. He had the most euphoric profile, not too angular and just soft enough to give him a kind face. His wet hair was stuck to his forehead in places so your carefully leant over and swept it out of his face.

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