Fall From Your Window (fluff)

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'On film or between the sheets
I always fall from your window
To the pitch black streets'

Hey my little youngbloods,
This one is about teen Patrick. It's the most clichè story but people usually like reading them

So enjoy!!!!!!



Your English essay was due in the morning and you being you, you'd left left it until last minute again. So you found yourself sat at your desk at almost 1am working away. You were so tired and you'd also begun to slack a little in lessons because you'd been spending time with your boyfriend, Patrick. He was in a band at school with a few other boys. He was the lead singer and simply drop dead gorgeous.

Gazing off, lost in thought, you chewed the end of your pen, thinking of Patrick.

Yanking you suddenly from your train of thought, you heard a noise at your window and slowly went over to it. With the light on inside it was hard to see anything beyond the window, all you could make out was the reflection of you room and yourself. You got closer to the glass when a loud knock on it made you jump back.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Let me in," came Patrick's voice, you recognised it instantly. He must've been unaware that you couldn't see him.

"Patrick?" You whispered, trying to open the window as quietly as possible.

"Holy smokes, didn't you recognise me?" He said, a little bit out of breath as he climbed I the window.

You hushed him. "Shh! Don't wake my parents up. They'll kill me if they find you here." But Your worry ebbed away as you set eyes on his face. "How did you manage to get up to my window?" You asked, it was on the first floor.

"I just climbed up the fence and then onto the extention roof and then across to your room," he said proudly.

You laughed, he sure was determined to see you. "Anyway what are you doing here? You know dad will have a fit if he knew I was still awake at this time doing work, let alone if he knew strange boys were sneaking into my room during the night," you smiled, folding your arms and looking at him.

"Well I just thought my beautiful girlfriend would wanna see me... but I guess not-"

"No, no Patrick of course I want to see you. I'm just kidding," you reassured him, putting your hand on his arm and kissing his lips gently.

He smiled at you. "You still doing that essay? I thought you'd have done it by now," he said, catching a glimpse of your work on your desk.

You nodded, yawning. "I'm so done."

"Oh, so you don't want to see me," he said again with a fake sigh.

"Oh shut up of course I want to see you," you snapped.

Patrick moved swiftly and before you knew what was happening you were against your bedroom wall with him holding you there securely, his hand next to your head and his knee between your legs.

"Damn right you do," he whispered huskily in your ear.

You inhailed shakily, your eyes fluttering shut. He wasn't often like this but when he was you treasured every moment, he'd mastered both extremes; being the sweetest boy and most polite gentleman on the planet but also being a psychic that knew exactly how to drive you crazy and he did so with the precision and expertise that implied he'd done it many times before. But as he'd told you when you'd been dating for a while, he hadn't had any experience in such things. He was a virgin and so were you. Somehow that made your relationship even more special.

Patrick Stump Imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now