When I'm Home Alone... (smüt)

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When I'm home alone, I just dance by myself
And you pull my head so close, volume goes with the truth
Signing off, "I'm alright in bed, but I'm better with a pen"
The kid was alright, but it went to his head

Hey hey hey!!!

This is gonna be really smütty guys as a warning. Talk of p*rn and stuff

I don't know what people want really so I'm trying to do equal amounts of smut and fluff if I can with mainly NB readers so it's readable for everyone who wants to read it but if you guys want male smut or fluff or suggestive or anything then feel free to request! I do need the inspiration if possible!

Anyway, this one is about you walking in on Patrick... doing some stuff...

And yeah. He's in his bleach blonde days! And it's a female reader!

Also the last kinda bit has a rough idea of a new story, would anyone be interested in me writing it as a story? Let me know please!!!

Happy reading youngbloods!!!


Nothing quite like meeting up with a friend who's moved away and that's exactly what you'd done. You hadn't seen them for months but they had returned to thr area so you'd planned a catch up. You'd both decided to go to a small coffee shop in town and have a chat and reminisce about old times. Patrick was staying at home, he didn't want to get in the way of your time with youe friend.

You'd had a lovely time, laughing, drinking coffee and talking about the past. It would be a while until you saw them again but you were already planning the next time; maybe a couple of months, maybe 3, bur definately sooner than before.

You were done with your meet up earlier than you would've thought but you had organised it to be earlier in thr day, it was more brunch than dinner you supposed.

Walking home with a smile on your face, you headed back to yours and Patrick's cute house on the outskirts of town.

Thinking to yourself and smiling, you arrived at the front door and tried it, it was open. Odd, usually Patrick locked the door but maybe he'd just forgotten. He definitely wasn't out at least.

Opening the door, your ears were filled with distant sound... moaning... both male and female. Your mind jumped to conclusions at the flick of a switch. Always being in fear of this made you hyper-sensitive to anything like that. Holding your breath, you tried as quietly as you could to walk through the hallway to where the noise was coming from. Silently, you prayed that you wouldn't find what you feared.

The sound seemed to come from the living room so that's where you went. It was definitely coming from there; the sound grew louder as you approached the open door.

With a deep bur quiet sigh, yoy plucked up the courage to enter, bracing yourself for what you may find in there.

Poking your head around the corner, you closed your eyes before opening them, just to prolong what you may find.

Patrick was laying on the sofa, the back of his head in youe direction so there was no worry that he may see you. His hair was a little messed up. The TV was on and on the screen was no mistaking it, porn. Definite porn. You never took Patrick for a porn viewer but you guess everyone had their hidden sides. So that was where the moaning was coming from... only it wasn't. Patrick was also contributing to the moans, spanking it on your sofa.

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