They Weren't So Great (fluff)

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'One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter" '


This is a cuter one so I hope you like it

Your boyfriend cheats on you so your best friend Patrick helps you out

It's gonna be a bit sad just as a warning but not too bad

Possible T.W:

. Break ups
. Cheating
. Implied su*cidal thoughts (not directly spoken about, just implied)
. Talk of Shouting
. Talk of weight issues/ bullying
. Talk of domestic violence (although it doesn't occur)

But guys seriously please please give me ideas and tell me what you wanna hear. I'm struggling on my own please help meeeee

Do you want more fluff/suggestive/smut/anything?

Different pronouns?

Story ideas?

Please please please help me guys I really need this!!!

Anyway thank you!! Enjoy this cuter story!!!


This couldn't be happening. He wouldn't do this to you. He loved you, at least that's what he'd told you.

You'd left now and were walking but you didn't know where too. You just needed to walk. You wanted to keep on walking until your shoes wore out and you legs fell off ans you died because what was the point of even living anymore when the person you'd trusted, you'd love and you'd given you every single breath too had betrayed you just like that?

After a while of walking and blurred night time vision from the tears that poured down your face, you realised that you couldn't walk forever, as much as you wanted too. You also knew there was one person in this world that would never betray you in that way, who would have you back through everything wns support you no matter what; your best friend, Patrick.

Shakily, you took out your phone and called his number as you changed your path of direction towards his house, younwere sure he'd invite you over.

"Hey y/n," he said happily down the line, he was always pleased to see you and that made you cry even more.

You tried to manage your breathing a little before saying, "Patrick, i-i... can I come over?"

His tone changed from happiness to concern. "Yeah sure y/n... what's wrong? Is everything alright?" He asked.

"N-not really... it's just some stuff with Jake..." you mumbled, wiping your eyes, the memory of what he'd said and what you'd seen physically hurting you.

"Okay... well head straight over then y/n. Be safe yeah?" Patrick said worriedly.

"I will. Th-thank you,' you said quietly with a sniff.

"See you soon."

He hung up. He really did care about you and in that moment he felt like the only person who didn't treat you like dog crap on the bottom of their shoe. Putting your phone away, you wiped your eyes again although they still leaked tears.

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