I'm Coming Apart at the Seams (fluff)

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'I'm coming apart at the seams,
Pinching myself for leads in other people's dreams now,
Buzz, buzz, buzz,
Doc, there's a hole where something was'

Hey so this one is set during Infinity on High and Patrick is a little on the chubby side but that just makes him even better right?

He's adorable, chubby or not and we love him either way

Patrick is upset about his weight and you help him out

There's gonna be some trigger warnings on this one guys so just be careful. Plus it's gonna be a bit on the sad side.

. Talk of weight gain and weight loss
. Talk of s.h
. Talk of suicide
. Talk of starvation
. Fat shaming
. Cyber bullying

I hope you guys enjoy!


You were so proud of him. Patrick and his band had just finished writing their third album, Infinity on High, and from the recordings you'd heard of it, it was just as amazing as the last two. You knew it would go down a storm at the box office and their careers would boost even more.

You smiled to yourself as you cooked dinner. Today you had decided on a roast for yourself, Patrick, Pete, Joe and Andy. Patrick had told you that after this first day of recording the video for This Ain't a Scene he was going to ask the boys over and he knew how much of a great cook you were.

Checking the clock, you noticed that they'd all be here soon, maybe ten minutes tops until they came back. Surely enough, within five minutes you heard the front door open. It was strangely quiet though, not the buzzing and yelling happy bandmates you'd expected to hear. The familiar rustle of a coat being put on the hanger in the hallway and the jangle of keys being put away met your ears.

"Patrick?" You said loudly, wondering where everyone else was.

"Yeah it's me... It's me," came his soft voice. There was a sadness too it. Putting the lid on the potatoes on the hob to leave them boil, you walked into the hallway.

Patrick was there, taking off his shoes. You noticed it was a bit of a struggle for him to bend down that low so instead he moved to the stairs and sat down with a huff.

"Is everything okay? Where is everyone?" You asked him with a confused look.

"I told them not to bother," he replied as he struggled with his laces.

With a frown you sat down next to him and helped him undo them. He sat back, with an annoyed sigh.

"I know how to undo my laces you know," he said, an edge to his voice which took you aback. He was never usually like this unless...

"Patrick has something happened at the recording?" You asked him, sitting up to his height, yoyr eyebrows furrowed.

He sighed again but more sadly this time.

"No, it's just..." he trailed off, looking down. "I'm fat," he said bluntly, not looking at you.

You never expected him to say that and your face changed from confusion to worry, your eyes widening.

"Baby you're not-"

"I knew you'd say that... but I am. Look at me," he said, gesturing down at his stomach which was resting on his thighs as he was sat down in a low position. "I'm fat," he said again.

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