Chapter 8. Scotch

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Don't measure your progress using somebody else's ruler. (UNKNOWN)


Quickly grabbing on to the first object I could set my hand on,which happens to be a table_thank God_. I anchor myself up,placing all my weight on my good leg as the damage one took a short nap.

Here I am,in a reality I would never consider true but instead a figment of my imagination huddle behind close door as it watch real life manifest.

"Phoenix" 7 letter, 1 word, 2 syllables,sweetly danced on his tongue. 7 letter I haven't heard in years now,one word that has become foreign to me, 2 syllables that I can no longer remember,dance around me bringing back memories that has been buried and locked away.

712,the password to my own personal hell and heaven. A lock to everything good I know and encounter.

A key to my inner demons. A key that is buried in the deepest part of the mediterranean sea,but yet it seems to have being found.

Confusion flow within me, itching my mind either to reject the possibilities or accept it.

Vbèè óye ?” he voice was sounds different but yet familiar. E ach word like a string to the retro music of my broken heart.

(How are you?)

My voice failed me. I can't seem to phantom a time when the unique Edo language was use to soothe my soul.

The one language I learned in order to pass coded secret to my teacher,same man I considered my best friend and the same one standing right in front of me,with not as much as a scratch.

The distinct difference between the man and the one on his dying bed,is the capacity to breathe, while one is being assisted by an expensive tank, concealed with oxygen,the other gallantly enjoy the natural gift bestowed on him by God.

Signs.....signs of anything, anything that can be used as an excuse would have made my heavy heart a little bit accepting of the situation.

Standing in his full glory, hands gently stroke his chest as he leans on his walking stick, without as much as a hair out of place is the man I thought was dead.

"You've grown" he continued, nodding to himself as he assess me,not minding that I didn't answer his question.

"You're alive" I said, finally finding my vocal. I feel Osage shivers in discomfort but didn't want to interrupt. I hid a smile knowing he hasn't gotten raid of that fear. Confrontations.

Something shimmer in grandpa's eyes that caught my attention,tears. Each drop a testimony of his own pains and suffering.

With decorated hands,he wiped his eyes, laughing as he does. My chest gave me a hard blow of guilt but I shook it off.

I have every right to be angry but I also needed to let him speak. After all that's what I'm here for. Answers.

Answers are the only thing that could show me if I should let go or hold in tight to furnace of anger, guilt and self torment.

"Tea?, anyone?" Osage's voice was the scissors to the thick wool over our head.  He clapped grabbing both our attention as he walks further into the room.

"Yea,yes" he replied to himself as he unshared me into the room where the coffee table hosted a tea pot and a set of tea cups with cookies,not just any cookies but my favorite cookies.

Osage gave me an encouraging smile, pointing to a couch, silently asking me to sit down,as he also took a sit.

Taking his offer, I drop down on a couch far from him, taking a deep breath knowing I'll need something stronger than an Indian blend green tea to keep me aweak and all ears.

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