Chapet 1. Broken record

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Mistakes are bound to be made, confusions are bound to appear but one thing is certain they would be an ending.


I adjust my glasses that are perfect for my face, as I wander through the open gate of a forbidden mansion, not acknowledging the dismissal and disgusted look on the bystanders face .

I walked closer and closer to where they stood, with their heads held high, cloth so expensive it almost made me feel out of place .

I felt their glares directed at me but didn't dare raise my head. I wasn't afraid of them, no I wasn't.

It was the hate I could feel, I don't want to see how intense it is, how it shines in their eyes,I didn't want them to know that, their hate is the mother to my tears.

I clamp my hands tightly, trying to reduce the quivering. I did not want to give them more reason to taunt and mock me .

With my eyes still downcast and my body dragging behind me. I kept walking forward, the people in front of me part like the red Sea, with their nose held in disgust.

I resiste the urge to smell myself. I know I don't smell bad, I take extra care to make sure I smell good everyday. I own nothing expensive, only the necessary things I can afford.

Hell, I know I don't smell. The only reason this rich self centered snubs have this look on their faces, is the fact that I'm not one of them. Bunch of self centered fools with ego greater than the wall of China.

As I draw closer to my doom, I got a glimpse of the foot but was to late to react. My body lounge downwards, paralyze in shock.

I waited patiently, anticipating for the pain,bruises and laughter but it never came.

I open my eyes gently, hoping and praying I was imagining everything and was still standing.

I was standing ok, but not on my own. A strong arm wrapped protectively around me, obstructing the force of gravity.

The owner of the arm was a man who's chin was resting on my head, as his hands wrapped round me like a protective armour.

I was exactly 5'0 feet and this guy was like 6'7 so imagine the hight difference when I decided to look up to my saviour, who's look made me scarce for words.

I frown, not liking my admiration towards him.

Disgusted at myself, I put space between us,to get my brain working.

I realize I was clenching a soft delicate cotton material. I look down curiously at my hand to know what it was,deep down I knew I was still holding onto his suit tightly, which I immediately release stepping away like his touch was gasoline added to the burning fire in me.

I mumbled an apology not having it in me to look at him in the eyes. I'm very sure he would have the same look as every single one of them in this compound has plaster on their face. DISGUST.

I heard loud curses, which I'm sure was directed at me. I look up just when Kosi raised her hand to deliver a slap at me

" you fvcking stupid b*tch. Can't you do anything right?" I balled my fist catching her hand just before it could connect with my face.

The gasps of shock from every one, even the two fools behind her rang in my ear, like my favourite song ricocheting round my room.

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to act shy or ashamed.

I didn't come to be insulted, neither did I come here to be treated like trash. I never took nonsense from them,they know it,so why now?.

"Don't you dare, Koko dear" I gave here a sickly sweet smile, tightening my hold on her hand. She whimper trying to release her hand from my grip but I held on tightly, sending a silent message of war if she cross the invisible line she had set a long time ago.

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