Chapter 7. Doom

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Every morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matter most.(Anonymous)


How can life be so cruel yet moreish. It seems to be a freckle of our imagination,as it reality dress in it own dream.

Today we're born, tomorrow we're dead. It doesn't give you warning it just take and expect you to move on,then it throws you hope expecting you to catch it and when you do, it jacks it out of your hand and throw it away,like a ripe fruit with a rotten inside, sitting just waiting for you to tear it open just to bring you back to where it left you.

Your doom.

Here I am,just like I was a week ago, staring at another frail body of someone I love.

Tubes of different shapes and sizes run through his vains as they serve as a timeline of his existence here on earth.

The unvarying irritating sound of the heart machine is the only indication of life in him,that's if you bypass the rise and fall of his chest.

As far as I can be,I view, digesting everything, not wanting to step into reality just wanting to get just a glimpse from afar hoping it would all come to an end eventually. They always do.

I try to grasp a physical picture of him to compare with a mental picture but the man in front if me is a contrast to the man I once knew.

Laying on the bed,is a dying man with wrinkles dusted on all part of his body as his eyebrows folded in a permanent frown, something my grandpa would seldomly do. His lips has become thin and wrinkle, giving the impress of missing teeth.

His face look like it's being sucked in with a vaccume to make it look just like a perfect image of his skull been held by bones with act as his neck.

My evaluation was cut short by the duvet which was used to hide the rest of him.

I felt cold fingers run through my body, making me shiver and goosebumps dance on my skin as I take an unconscious step back at what's in front of me.

This can not be my grandfather. This can not be my best friend,the one who taught me how to become the woman I am today.

Willing my legs to cooperate,I began walking towards the bed but stop when I heard the click of a gun.

Slowly turning towards Safe,I quietly observe as he aims at a hurring shadow who also is now frozen in place,scared of being shot.

"Seriously Safe,a gun" the shadow spoke,his voice of one I know.

"You where going to shoot me,I thought we where friends" he said laughter dancing in his words as he made an appearance,taking the last breath in me.


The anger I'd tamed finally erupted staking claim of it's territory without any remorse. It shook it's fur ready to jump on its prey if he took another step out of line.

I felt Safe's powdering gaze on me and from the corner of my eyes I saw a shadow of a smile as he rubbed his hand on his lip while he pocket his gun.

Satisfied with whatever he saw,he turned to the klutz who still had that annoying smile plastered to his face.

"We're even" was the only thing he said before walking out of the room without sparing neither of us as much as a glace.

I watch every of his movement, thinking he would turn around and explain what he meant by those two words,but I should have know that he wouldn't,instead he would be high on euphoria mentally skipping his way out of here thanking the gods that he has finally gotten raid of me.

"Ohh...,onyx you look beau......" One look,one single look and all his words turned into thin air.

"Don't" I spit out when I saw another attempt of him saying something.

"You knew,all this fvcking years.  You knew" I said through grinded teeth as I took gradual,but calm steps towards him, my anger asking for any form to unleash.

"You knew how devastated I was,saw how broken it made me yet you said nothing" malice lace every word that left my lips as I finally came to a stop in front of him,still trying to contain my anger.

"And see what it made you into" those words was what the furry in me needed before unleasing itself with a slap right across his face.

He took two steps backwards as shock cross his face. He looked at me waiting for an apology butike he said I am no longer the timid and week.

Correcting his posture,he withdraw his hand from his face, clearing his throat as he adjust his expensivlt down senator.

"Wasn't expecting that but I guess I deserved it". He said flexing his jaw.

I scoff."you guess" I didn't ask,just tasting how the word felt in my mouth,which is bitter and not a suitable word for such circumstances.

He tsk once nodding his head in silent agreement." Well,he's waiting"

My forehead fold dipping my eyebrows as I convey my question through eyes.

It took him time to grasp my question but when he did he laugh, causing raise to my irritation.

"No,no,no...... That's not him." He began walking out of the room but I had no intention of following. He stop noticing I wasn't following.

He sigh "Come on he's waiting. Please" he added, against all judgement I found my legs tugging after him as he lead me to another section of the house.

With each steps I could not help but gawk at the fine detailing of each stroke of brush or the complexity of each design. It just kept drawing me in, loquaciously calling to me to grasp it,hold on to it and never let go.

My lack of attention didn't grant me the ability to comprehend an inanimate figure had come to an sudden pause.

Taking two astonished step back,I gaze at the pair of eyes watching me,one I could see clear but the other not so much.

I watch as the Idiota step out of my view, granting my vision fully access it surroundings to.

I wasn't expecting what was going to be in front of me.

Hot air left my lips as my one bad leg found the perfect time to give up.



/n: I don't take credit for any of the pictures. I can't even remember where I got most of them,all I know is that I collect pictures, art (soft copy). Basically anything that speaks to me.

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