chapter 5. Pink

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A/n: The whole book is unedited,so please bare with me and the errors, I know how annoying it can be.

A redirection is what I cry for
But dedication thy drew from me


"Nix are you sure you would like to travel today" my aunt asked for the 15th time, yes I was counting.

" I'll be fine" ok maybe I'll be missed a little if something happens to me.

It brings tears to my eyes,it's the first time someone has ever actually cared for me to ask if I'll be ok to the extend they are indirectly stopping me from leaving,when everyone does the complete opposite.

"But your leg.....".She began to say but I interrupted her

"My leg is perfectly fine" I flex my leg glad I took pain killers earlier this morning.

"Ok?" She ask unsure not letting my hand go. I nodded for added assurance as she unpredictably pulled me into a hug.

I'm currently standing beside Safe car, if you call leaning on it, standing with Aunt Esosa in front of me holding my hands,no it's not a Benz neither is it an all black car,it's just normal Toyota something, I'm not that good with car business, which is shockingly pink in color. Pink.

"We have to head out now ".Safe announced, leading to her realising me with a sweet of my hand.

"Call " aunty Efosa whispers as saviour pull open my door.

"I will" I promise her.

I got into the car catching the tear that was able to excape. The one person I always avoided is the only one who genuinely cares for me asking nothing from me in return.

With my arms folded on the window,half of my face sticking outside and my seat belt biting into my shoulder and stomach. I watch as we make our way to the airport, breezing to the surprisingly free street of Lagos.

I was too embarrassed to tell Safe I haven't flown in a plane before and worse I'm scared of height.

I prefer to swallow a piece of bottle than allow anyone tremble on my phobia. Call it ego,I call it playing smart.

I call my tears weaknesses,they render us temperarily immobile, seizing the use of our functioning brains,creating fantasy scenario that makes it feel like we are in a VRC .

So instead of speaking out,I let my ego and pride take over while I avoid thinking about what might possibly happen.

"Pink" was the first word I spoke since we began our journey and also because my mind won't stop creating illusions in my mind making it real.

"Hmm" was Safe quiet reply,like he knew I said something but don't have the straight to ask what exactly it is.

Take note the word 'hmm' is used to describe divers emotions but in this case it's more like a bored husband agreeing to his wife's word knowing fully well it might lead to an argument if he comment improperly.

"What........" I bite my lips swallowing my sentence back in.

I don't nag neither do I whine so why am I given it an opportunity.

"Pink suite you" I said deciding to try something different,as I gave him my full attention with the side of my face resting on my arm on the door.

"Thank you,it's vintage". He smirk taking his eyes off the road to spare me a glance.

"Funny" I flash my teeth in mock amusement,which drew a chuckle from Safe.

"Do you find something wrong with a man owning a car that is pink?" He question with a raise brow. I can feel that he's trying to lighten up the mood but I'm not in any mood to be lighten up so I rolled my eyes looking away.

"Shut up and drive".

A/n: I know this chapter is shorter than the rest,writer block decided to hit.

I hope you loved it.
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