22: Game Night [2]

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The changing room was packed like a sardine can, and of course, I had to weave my way through it with my gear kit in tow.

The guys were all hyped up and ready for the game, with about 30 minutes to go before kickoff, and everyone was gearing up.

As I passed the lockers, there was Scott, sporting number 11, his crimson jersey hanging loosely as he geared up his knee.

I sidled up to him, and he shot me a half-hearted glance.

"Are you gonna try to talk me out of playing?" He asked through gritted teeth as he tightened his shoelaces.

"I'm just hoping you've got a clue what you're doing." I sighed, tossing my kit onto the bench beside him.

"If I don't play, I lose my spot on the first line." He retorted, calmly padding up alongside me.

"Scotty, it's just one game you don't really need to be in." I tried, making one last-ditch effort to convince him.

"I wanna play!" He snapped back.

"I wanna be on the team. Besides-" He stopped himself, his voice trailing off into silence with a tired sigh.

"Besides what?" I prodded, curious about what he was about to say.

"Besides, I think this could be my last chance to patch things up with Allison." He admitted.

"Scott?" I deadpanned.

"I know. I know!" Scott exclaimed before calming down. "But girls like popular guys, right? And the school team fits the bill."

He slumped onto the bench, falling silent and shaking his head with a defeated expression. "Stiles, I just want a semi-freaking-normal life. Do you get that?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I get it."

I gave his back a reassuring pat as I stood up. "Just try not to stress too much out there, okay?"

He nodded.

"Or lose your temper." I added.

"I got it." He muttered back.

"Or get anxious."

"Yeah, I got it."

"Don't dwell on your mom being in the stands." I continued, not stopping at that.

"Or Allison. Or that her dad wants to off you. Or that Derek's out for your blood. Or the girl he killed, or the possibility of you taking a life." I listed off, watching as Scott slowly turned towards me with widened eyes. "Unless a hunter gets to you first. Sorry, I'll stop."

He nodded as he shook his head.

"Good luck." I said before walking away.

He's gonna need a boatload of that tonight.


"Wooohhh!! Go Pumas!!!"

Our school's cheering section erupted in support of the Beacon Pumas as we took to the field.

The starting lineup boasted a few familiar faces: Jackson as the captain, Danny, Isaac, and the rest. And there were a couple of new additions this year. Scott was in for the first half, while I was warming the bench for the second, and, surprisingly, even Greenberg made the cut.

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