21: Game Night [1]

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The Sheriff's department and my dad were both present. Scott stood next to my Jeep, observing as my dad escorted Derek into the car with his hands cuffed, while Tara watched the forensic team at the pit.

I sauntered over to the car, ignoring Scott's silent warning not to approach Derek, and slipped into the front seat.

Turning around, I found Derek grumpily sitting behind the bars, shooting me a cold glare.

"Okay, I get it, being quiet and creepy is your thing, but just this once, break character." I said with a shrug. Derek responded with a growl, but I pressed on. "I have a few questions before they take you in."

He remained silent, lips sealed tight.

"Fine. Scott and I were bitten the same day. Why is he affected while I'm not completely?" I asked, firing off my questions. "What's happening to me? Am I immune? Can I become immune?"

Derek stayed silent, his face showing a hint of confusion.

"Tell me!" I yelled, banging on the bars. His eyes snapped to mine, a dangerous glint in them, like he was ready to break free and tear my face off.

We both knew he could easily break the cuffs, but we also knew he wouldn't.

"I don't know." He finally spat out, breaking his silence.

I stared into his eyes, unflinching. A moment later, I took a breath and blinked away, ending our standoff.

My attention shifted to the pit, where my dad had finished his work and was heading towards the car. Time was running out.

"The girl." I said, pointing at the pit, grabbing Derek's attention once more. "She's your sister, right? Laura?"

His eyes twitched with rage at the revelation.

"She was a werewolf too, wasn't she? But a different kind." I added cautiously. "I mean, she could turn into an actual wolf. I know Scott can't do that."

His breaths grew heavier as he closed in on me, his eyes flickering gold.

"You know, you really fit the stereotypical killer checklist." I smirked, listing off the traits. "Creep? Check. Emo? Check. Extremely antisocial? Super check. But for some reason, I don't think you did it. She was your only living family after you lost everyone in the fire."

For the first time in our conversation, I moved closer to him.

"Tell me, Derek, did you actually kill your sister?"

If there was somebody with a knife in the car, they could have literally cut down the tension but instead of a knife, the one who broke it was someone with a gun.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch." I fake cried as my dad yanked me out of the car and dragged me out of the car and away from Derek.

"Stand there." He grunted, releasing his grip. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I'm just trying to help." I shrugged.

He gave me a nod that clearly said 'I don't believe you.' "Well, how about you help me understand exactly how you came across this?"

I took a deep breath before explaining. "We were looking for Scott's inhaler."

"Which he dropped when?" He raised an eyebrow.

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