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"I pose my question to you, class. How can a mortal kill a god?"....... Religious history, the Instructor.

"Do you have your notebook? Pencils? You have to write down everything the Instructor says. Either way it's -

"Tara, I think you're frightening her." Caleb butts in, gifting me a small smile. From what I understand, he's among the student leadership of Order Illumina: a legionnaire.

The warm morning sunlight brightens his golden hair, a surprising contrast to his soft chocolate skin. "Why the big fuss about religious history?" I ask.

They exchange looks. "RH is a big deal. Plus, it's the Instructor's class. All his classes are... intense." Tara states.

"How intense?"

"Well you know how Mr Joshua can look into your soul with those eyes of his?" Caleb begins. I nod, remembering the intensity of those eyes, as though they could pull out any truth from me.

"Imagine that sensation, amplified as we study the Book of Faith with respect to past civilizations, dynasties, empires. All while this man utters mysterious things, capable of reforming perspectives, shaking your beliefs and pointing all things back to God, the Creator Himself." Wondrous awe shines in his gray irises.

"Well I'll believe it when I see it." I inform them, following at the final turn. The lecture auditorium is already filled up.

"How is everyone already seated? It's not yet time?"

Caleb leads the way, at utter ease and used to the crowd. "That's the way it is. Hearing Joshua speak is like a refreshing meal to the soul. I can't explain it, but everyone loves him teach."

"And we live for his controversial reasoning." Tara shows me a vacant seat next to her. We're a few rows from the lectern, still close to sight. What happened to the back seat people?

"Controversial?" I muse.

"Just wait and see. He'll have your mind imploding in minutes." Caleb promises.

I take him for his word, looking around. "Hey, um... what is everyone busy reading? Is this a test or something?"

He opens up his notebook, "take a look. We're beginning ancient Egypt through the book of Exodus." My eyes widen at the sight of his crammed up notebook. "Why all this?"

"Studying ahead. I've marked everything down. Pyramids, pharaohs, aliens....

"Slow down, buddy. Do you think aliens are in existence? Aliens? " Tara quips. "We have angels and demons, why not them too?"

"God, you're impossible, Caleb." Tara rolls her eyes, a good-natured smile on her face. "I hope this man slams your conspiracy theories like -

A gentle hush quietens the whole room. I unconsciously straighten in my chair, my back going ramrod straight. All eyes are on the teacher striding into the room in long, controlled steps.

He stands before us, an entire auditorium filled with hundreds of young adults completely silent and patiently waiting.

"Good morning, all of you. This is Religious History. Pack up all external paraphernalia and pay attention. I require your concentration, open eyes, ears and a readied heart. That being said, shall we begin?"

The Lady Of Shadows Where stories live. Discover now