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Amongst all my Celestial siblings, Azar might be my favourite. Though we are Orders apart, none has cared for me the way she has, sharing my burdens and fighting by me. My only prayer is that she comes across a mortal, anyone that can remind her what it is to love. For lack of love for the human race might be Azar's one and only flaw.’

Excerpt from the journals of Neriah Light-wielder.


Once again, I burn out my reserve of strength. It is worth it, knowing I gave Elia enough strength to fight a full on possession and save her mother's life. I saved lives. My atonement can begin.

  "Can you stand?" The Instructor released Elia to her guardian's care and turned to me. I pretend not to notice the worry on his face. I simply shake my head, keeping my palms flat on the floor. Joshua walks to me, lifting me as if my weight is nothing next to his. It probably is.

   "I told you not to strain yourself, Imani. You did the complete opposite." His tone is scolding yet gentle. "I had a vision. I could either help or watch Elia's spirit die. I helped."

  "Sir, is she......" He says something to the others, refusing to drop me at the infirmary. He wants to treat me instead. In total silence, he takes me to the chapel, sits me on a pew, then bars the door shut.

  "I have a lot of questions, Joshua."

  "If it's concerning what just happened, please do not ask."

  I frown at his dismissal. "I couldn't get the full dialogue considering you were talking in other languages but you called that thing Lucifer. Lucifer, as in the actual devil, here in the Sanctuary, through Elia's body."

  "I just told you not to ask." He sits facing me, mild annoyance seeping into his features. It is clear from the angle of his head, the tension on his broad shoulders. "Well I've asked anyways. You might as well answer."

  He sighs. "Yes, it was the devil. I bid him goodbye so there's no need to worry —

   "I'm not worried about him stopping by. I want to know how the literal devil possessed Neriah's daughter, right here on hallowed ground."

  Joshua stands, placing his hands on my head. He works deftly, easing the stress on my eyes. "Elia's mother is in his custody. Somehow, Elia and Neriah were linked: psychically and physically. My guess is that he discovered the link and tried to use it to his advantage. Perhaps influence her to leave and return to neutral ground."

  His ministrations continue and my breathing eases, the pressure behind my chest relaxing. My heart stops its painful throbbing. "But Elia's out of danger? The devil won't return for his daughter?"

   "If you're insinuating something, talk directly to me. Don't act coyly." He sharply withdraws his hand, and the terrible headache continues. "I simply said what I heard. Are you not a bit curious as to why he wants Elia so badly, sir?"

  "I'm not. Because he won't have her." I have to incline my head to observe his guarded facial expression. "You know something. You're withholding information."

  "It is not your business, Imani." Sighing, he continues. "You are my students. From different backgrounds, different families, very different bloodlines. Each of you have your dark secrets, demons that plague you. I am here to help you learn from them, grow from them and not divulge it to the next person." Our eyes meet. "Would you like it if I tell the others how and why Azrael brought you here?"

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