Chapter 73 - A Cold Tide

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Lukas was surrounded by the ATLAS Combat Units as he could feel a sense of dread and worry emit off of himself. This kind of reaction is understandable as the girl known as Mossberg is currently on his back, an innocent who clearly is being caught in the crossfire. Yet his gaze was constantly focused on Malware, the one who had caused all of this destruction, including the bloodshed that had taken place a few weeks back.

His eyes had an intimidating presence to them as his inner darkness was slowly creeping out of him. He knew himself that it was Kage wanting to act, yet since Veladora is asleep right now, he would either have to rely on his own smarts, or rely on Kage getting him out of this mess. While he can't communicate with Kage right now, he knows what it wants.

Malware had a smug-like expression as she was about to snap her fingers. Time felt like it had slowed down as Lukas could feel Kage begin to empower him slightly, his Glamour began to lift as his eyes began to glow a bright vibrant purple. As the snap had finished, the ATLAS Combat Units were about to open fire, only for Lukas's hands to lift as within that split second, he created a circular dome of Mana to protect himself and Mossberg.

The gunfire then began to ring out throughout the entire area as the bullets either broke upon impact or began to ricochet. Mossberg was surprised by this as she could feel a strange combination of two powers mixing and cooperating with one another. Lukas kept his hands in position as he knows that he didn't remove his Glamour completely, but he'll have to take the risk if he must. He knew that he should let Kage instruct him through instincts alone to win this all-out fight. 

Lukas then turned his head slightly to look at Mossberg.

Lukas: "Mossberg. I need you to get off and find someplace to hide. Come out when I say so alright?"

She could hear his somewhat calm tone, though having a mixture of uncertainty and confidence. She wanted to some capacity protest, but when she saw the look of his one eye, she knew he was being serious. So she simply nodded, getting off of him as Lukas then released his Glamour, allowing his main supply of Mana to return and the potency of his Magic returning.

Although the gunfire continued, Lukas then applied more force, destroying his Mana Dome as it forced out a pressure that sent the Combat Units flying into the walls of the internal structure. Malware was kind of surprised for a moment, only for her to realize something when looking at the Aura that was slightly emitting from him. A dark hue of a mixture of black and purple slowly flowed around his body until dissipating, his eyes keeping that glow. Malware then chuckled to herself.

Malware: "Well well~ It would seem that one of Void's underlings weren't wrong after all~ So you too have a gift from the Master of the High Society. However it wouldn't matter in the end as you'll eventually be overwhelmed and forced to overexert yourself."

Lukas didn't say anything as he readied himself, aware that he'll need to take these robots down as soon as possible. While his Glamour is off and the amount of Mana he is exuding, it's clear that he is pretty much like a magnet, a beacon that will lure a lot of attention of the other robots including the Z-Model Androids.

As the Combat Units got back up from recovering, most of their weapons seemed to have been completely destroyed, making Malware curious on how precise the disperse of his Mana Dome would have to be in order to pull that off. However she knew that more was on the way, so the large quantity of Combat Units here will suffice until the reinforcements arrive, at least that is what she believes from the data she has.

Each of the Combat Units ended up outstretching their right arms, forming energy blades as this was a more recent addition due to Malware getting her hands on Zentreya. Mossberg knew that she would only get in the way, so all she could do was find a place to lay low and watch from afar. Lukas noticed the weapons, though while they did give off a red hue, they seemed somewhat similar to the blade craft of Zentreya's design for her sword. Malware caught Lukas realizing, making her smirk.

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