Chapter 69 - Two Weeks Later...

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It is now just pass the middle of September as things haven't been at its greatest. Atlas City had fallen into the hands of Malware, and the total population, which dropped to a massive degree was staggering to say the least. Atlas City once held a population count of over five hundred thousand. It was estimated that about over four hundred and ninety-nine thousand and two hundred were killed. Over eight hundred held captive by the Atlas Corporation, and over four hundred residents living within the makeshift base of operations that the TEMPUS group managed to set up for the time being.

Through the two weeks, they have been focusing on making a secret hideout, which happened to be within the far North side of the city itself. Having warehouses and docks, they could at least maintain a safe distance from the ATLAS Enforcers, which they began to dub them as since they all followed under Atlas orders, which in truth are all Malware's orders.

Each member had their designated duty, some had to watch over the civilians and ensure their safety. Altare had to plan out regular routines in order to find and figure out possible ways of weakening Malware's enforced defences, but at this point, it almost seemed impossible without killing more innocents. He didn't want to take such risks because he doesn't want more blood on their hands.

While he is the leader, Axel is in charge of the guarding as well as everybody else. Flayon became an honorary member of the TEMPUS group until this whole situation is lifted as he is working with the other seven to secure their supply depot and even ensuring that no one else is sick. It was troubling times as no one really expected something like this to happen in the first place.

The other four on the other hand are the scouts of the group, being the quickest and lightest on their feet. They are split up into groups of two. They refer to themselves under different callsigns to remember who's on which team. Zaion and Dropscythe are Team Scythe, all because Dropscythe wanted a team name that would sound cool. While Lukas and Zai are Team Recon since they wanted something simple that they don't need to make it complicated.

Currently at the moment, both Lukas and Zai are walking one of the many empty streets, noticing the destroyed cars and wrecked buildings. The sky took on a grey hue thanks to the clouds covering the sky, making this environment feel more gloomy and depressing. They both were walking about at a slow pace as Zai was checking some of the cars since they're mission today was to scout for some possible supplies for the hideout.

Lukas after all this time managed to recover, mostly physically but the right side of his face now had a permanent scar that was of a slash that went from his lower right cheek to just above the right eyebrow. His hair currently was tied up into a ponytail as he still had a strand of hair going down the right side of his face. Luckily his eye was still fine, because according to what Veladora calculated before, if he was about an inch closer, he would've permanently lost his eye, making him have to focus and try to remain on guard at all times this time around.

Sonzai: "Hey Lukas."

Lukas: "Yeah Zai...?"

Sonzai: "You used to live in this city before, so where is the nearest mall?"

Lukas: "Well... This District is technically where most of the people who had a comfortable salary budget would be... So I think it should be a few streets down."

While he was explaining this, he was looking around, making sure that they weren't being watched as they had to make sure that at all times, they weren't spotted by any of Malware's underlings. Through his recovery, he had to get over the fact that he almost died again, feeling like a burden. Though through his determination, he managed to overcome it for the time being.

Sonzai: "Right... So Lukas, how have you been holding up?"

As Zai was walking ahead, Lukas was following close behind.

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