Chapter 62 - The Plan For Infiltration

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It has been a few hours since Lukas had that argument with Zai, though he has been feeling rather bad for pushing him to that point, thinking it was his fault in this matter. Yet another thing was plaguing his mind. He knew that his family works for Atlas Corporation while being government officials, which makes him wonder on what they have really been doing all this time behind his back.

While he was walking through the halls of the base, trying to process the theories he could come up with, Altare approached him, seemingly coming from a room.

Altare: "Hey Misaki, got a minute?"

Lukas: "Sure..."

Altare: "Good, I need to talk to you in secret as I don't want any misunderstandings."

Lukas then nodded his head, following Altare to the meeting room as he made sure that it was locked, leaving the two by themselves as Altare moved to the large table, leaning against it with his arms crossed.

Altare: "I apologize for Zai's behaviour, I should've been more alert about it."

Lukas: "It's fine... Is that the side effect of his Magic..?"

Altare: "From what I've been informed by Yagoo, yes. Apparently his mind can become unstable at times when he continues days on end without rest. His Magic requires a strong mind, but if his mental aspect is effected to this degree, it could possibly hurt him. Though we still don't have all the answers to his Chaos Magic as Zai hasn't shared anything further on the matter."

Lukas: "I see... I won't invade his personal space for the time being then... Why did you need to talk to me in private...?"

Altare: "You see, while you were resting and recovering, I had a talk with Yagoo and some of the Managers for the go ahead."

Lukas: "Go ahead..?"

Altare: "You see, we've been suspicious of the Atlas Corporation for a while now, but we couldn't as it would've jeopardized the Supernatural due to their connections with the Co-Founders. Yet we've gotten enough evidence thanks to Henya to begin the operation at hand. However we can't send in the SSF as it would cause more people to be aware and cause unrest, which is something we're trying to prevent. We're thinking of sending in a small group to infiltrate their underground base, though the only way to get in is through the front doors. Though the main reason I am telling you this now is because I've been reading into your background, as well as your family history. You're family works for Atlas right?"

Lukas: "Yeah... Though they've kicked me out of the family a bit ago..."

Altare: "I understand that it is painful to bring back certain memories, but I need to know if you know anything that could help us. Anything beneficial for this operation to work."

Lukas looked to the side for a moment, trying to think of something, but something did come up in his mind. 

Lukas: "Is there an interior kind of blueprint I can look at?"

Altare then looked at Lukas in confusion as he began to open up a holographic projection of the main building of the Atlas Corporation.

Altare: "Why did you need to look at this? Got something?"

Lukas: "Yeah... You see, I've been in the main building at least twice due to the 'bring your kid to work' days. Yet even if it has been a few years, I can still remember where the main office is. Enhance to the 50th floor."

Altare nodded as he pressed some buttons as it enhanced to the 50th floor. Lukas was giving instructions on where to enhance towards, which they ended up finding the main office.

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