Chapter 53 - Further Water Magic Training

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Most of August went the same as Lukas focused on his studies, training his Water Magic and even playing some matches with Selen in Apex Legacies. Things didn't really change besides his improvements. With his Water Magic, he was able to learn to make his body slightly more fluid, being a bit more flexible and even allow himself to create Water, though he mostly figured out how to do the healing part, not the offensive part. 

He also did have a few dreams where he had some talks with Kage, his inner darkness as he was trying to understand more on what made him tick or how he was able to coexist with him in the first place. So far he couldn't get much out of him besides some random warnings on whatever Kage's supposed creator or master intended on doing. Even during the day, he could never communicate with Kage. Though even if Veladora were to figure out more about Kage, it wouldn't make any sense to her as well since it is an unnatural feeling she can't describe. Yet from time to time, she could swear that the feeling is very familiar.

Currently it is the weekend as Lukas was walking around the Academy grounds as no one should be attending school at this time. The main reason he was walking around was because of the fact that he needed some fresh air. He wasn't really allowed outside of the premises without permission, which is quite infuriating for him, but he does get the idea that the High Society is currently trying to track him down, even if the teachers haven't explained that part to him.

He made his way through the halls of the Academy, though he stopped by the gymnasium, finding the silence rather relaxing as he sighed.

Lukas: "This should do it..."

He said this to himself as he got to the centre, sitting down. He crossed his legs, to get into a meditative state as he closed his eyes. He moved his two hands close to each other, keeping them open as he made the main focus point between his hands. He was focusing on getting his Water Magic in the middle, making it into a swirling orb as he opened his eyes, seeing he did just that. Though the main issue comes when he has to come up with something to utilize it. Even though he got the healing part down, he can't be as creative as he was with his Fire Magic. 

Lukas: "Why is this so difficult?"

???: "Because you might be overthinking it."

He heard a familiar voice as he didn't need to turn around, recognizing it to be Melody.

Lukas: "Melody?"

Melody: "Apologies on barging into your little training, I couldn't help myself."

Lukas: "No worries... I just started."

Melody: "That's good. Oh by the way, I brought someone along because I thought she might be able to help you out."

Lukas then stopped his Magic as he got up, turning to Melody.

Lukas: "Who..?"

Before he could say anything else, he noticed someone behind Melody who stared at him curiously. Her blue hair being rather wavy as her eyes were like water.

Melody: "This is Kobo Kanaeru of Class 1C. Say hello Kobo."

The girl then put on a cheerful attitude as she seemed to put up a front of confidence.

Kobo: "Hello! I'm Kobo Kanaeru, a Rain Shaman at your service~!"

Kobo: "Hello! I'm Kobo Kanaeru, a Rain Shaman at your service~!"

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