Chapter 18 - The Jōryū Shakai

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It is late at night over the city of Vtopia as a cloaked figure walked through the empty streets. The figure was walking through the alleyways as he continued making his way to where he needed to be. Yet he was stopped midway by a group of low time thugs as they surrounded the figure.

???: "Where do you think you're going this late at night?"

The ringleader spoke first as he stared at the figure, but the figure smirked with a sharp tooth grin.

???: "Nowhere."

The cloaked figure spoke next as he was rather calm about the situation. 

???: "Really now? Well boys, I guess we got ourselves some easy prey!"

The group began to laugh in delight, but the figure was laughing along, catching them off guard.

???: "What's so funny?"

The ringleader asked as the figure still laughed a little until stopping. 

???: "You fail to understand, it's already over~"

???: "What are you-"

Before the ringleader could even speak, the figure appeared in front of him, ramming his arm straight through the ringleader's chest. 

???: "Oh~ You're blood is rather exquisite~"

He then pulled his arm back, letting the ringleader fall to the ground lifeless as he turned to look at the others, with his red eyes piercing through their souls.

???: "You're all afraid of me now? No worries~ You're deaths will be quick~"

He then suddenly pulled out a sword that is curved in nature, having a black blade. He then made quick work of them, going for their necks for decapitation as it felt satisfying for the figure. This figure, is the same one that has haunted Lukas Misaki's nightmares. Once he made quick work of them, he then sighed as he put his sword away.

???: "Man... Why can't prey be so enjoyable nowadays..?"

He sounded disappointed as he couldn't find a decent fight anymore from whatever he fights. He began making his way through the alleyways again as he made his way to a building that seemed to be an abandoned warehouse close to the bay. He simply strolled on inside as he then took out a knife that looked like it was used for sacrificial alters. He then slit his wrist as his blood flowed down to the floor as it swirled around him, creating a teleportation circle.

Once it fully covered him and uncovered, he was somewhere else entirely. The room around him seemed to be really fancy, like some rich person's mansion as he was in the centre of the mansion. Though before he began to walk, someone called out to him.

???: "More blood spilled again Vampyr?"

The cloaked figure known as Vampyr turned around to see a younger looking girl who had green hair and orange eyes. 

Vampyr: "I can't help it and I won't tell."

He then began making his way up the steps, but the young girl followed him up the steps as she continued to speak.

???: "I understand you're a vampire and all, but can't you just control your urges?"

Vampyr: "I advise you to watch your tone Rushia. You're a more recent recruit and I wouldn't want to make Void mad anyways. Plus, I have some interesting information for him~"

Rushia looked at him with confusion, but they continued making their way through the mansion until they reached the main room which is the leader's office. When they walked inside, they noticed a figure staring outside the large set of windows. The atmosphere gave one of tranquillity, but also despair. Though the man standing at the large window has a long dark black coat which has golden decal throughout its design. The inside of the coat has that strange appearance like it was made out of a cosmic galaxy of stars.

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