[66] confirmation

250 9 1

you and me --- lifehouse


I was exhausted- could barely keep my head up, but I knew I had to help Rick. 

"Dwight came to us, told us all we needed to know about the Sanctuary. We want to make sure it's...reliable information." Rick told me. Dwight. He'd help me escape. Plus, he didn't let the doctor tell Negan about my... 'condition'.


How was I gonna tell everyone about it?

I must've stayed in my mind for too long by the way Rick was trying to get my attention. 

"JJ, JJ." 


"I know you're tired, and I wish this could wait, but-"

I nodded, "But it can't. What d'you need to know?"

Rick looked to Maggie, who sighed as she pulled out a rolled up, hand-drawn, crumpled up sketch of the Sanctuary. Just seeing the outline of the place sent chills down my spine. "Everything marked, he said is a weak spot. We're going here, and then..."

"You're going in through the back?" The three looked puzzled by my question. "After today, after you took out a good chunk of their guards... They're already low on their guards at the Sanctuary. Or at least the ones who take the perimeter when Negan and his other men leave."

"Why you say that?" Daryl asked. 

"Because I took about fifteen of them out in the stairwell and four more out back." I answered bluntly. "You guys did a number on them here, and like you said, they're not risking leaving their asses out by moving the compound guys there...my guess- the front door's gonna be left wide open."

"You're suggesting we just pull up to the front?" Maggie clarified. 

I shrugged, "Pretty much. The herd, you're... moving them, right?"

Daryl nodded, "Yeah, we're routin' 'em towards the Sanctuary."

"The highway leads right to that front gate of the Sanctuary."

"This is good. This is really good." Rick assured me. "You should get some rest, JJ. You'll need it for tomorrow."


Daryl looked to Rick confused. 

"Yeah, when we take out Negan and the rest of the Saviors."

I honestly thought he was joking. He didn't really expect me to go, did he? I scoffed, "You're joking."

"We're gonna need you to-"

"No." I told him sternly. 


"No," I repeated myself, "No. I'm not going, Rick."

"I figured since-"

"Since- since what? I just got out of that shit hole a few hours ago. You really think I'd be dying to go back so soon?"

Rick was somewhat taken back by my outburst. I kinda was too. "I didn't-" When he noticed Daryl shaking his head, cuing for him to stop, he tapered off. "I'll be talking with Morgan if you need me."

When Rick left, Daryl took his place, standing next to me. "You good?"

"Peachy." I sarcastically answered. 

"Here," Maggie slid over a bowl of instant oatmeal to me. "I'm sure you're hungry."

I nodded for a thank you as I took the spoon and brought the bowl closer. As I thought about my first bite, nausea immediately set in.

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