[37] coda

578 20 2

waterfalls --- tlc


Things were looking up for JGREATM. Sure, there was no hope for the cure of mankind, but other than that, things were okay. Maggie, Glenn, Tara and Rosita had come back with water and food, Eugene had woken up, and JJ and Abraham had found out they were somewhat the same.

Eventually, the group decided to go back to the church, hoping they weren't too late to catch the rest of them.

JJ dug through the compartment in the passenger's side of the firetruck.

"What are you looking for, JJ?" Maggie asked.

She found what she was looking for, sliding the CD into the player, "some kind of music that isn't trash." She groaned, "I guess this'll do." JJ looked at the ones in the back, "Come on, we need some kind of victory song."

Abraham leaned forward, turning up the volume.

A lonely mother gazing out of her window,

staring at a son that she just can't touch.

"This is a horrible victory song." Glenn commented.

Tara shrugged, "I don't know. I think it's a pretty good one."

Don't go chasing waterfalls.

Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.

Once the chorus played, even Abraham was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, Rosita and Glenn were humming lightly, Tara and JJ were fully grooving to the song and Maggie was laughing at the bunch of them. Eugene was in and out of consciousness, waking up for an extended amount of time for the chorus.

"Was this what it was like being roommates with her?" Glenn judged Maggie, jokingly.

Maggie laughed, "no, it was a lot worse."

JGREATM came in the nick of time, ramming the fire truck up against the church doors, defending Michonne, Gabriel, Judith and Carl from the walkers that were locked inside.

Carl's eyes lit up when he saw his aunt. "Carl." She tightly hugged him and Judith.

"You're back." Michonne looked to Glenn.

"Eugene lied. He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end."

"Yeah, so, we just endured Abraham's boot camp for no reason." JJ sarcastically shrugged.

Maggie looked around, "where is everybody?"

Michonne smiled, "Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, but the others went to get her back."

"Do we know which one?"

"Grady Memorial."

Maggie excitedly pulled Glenn into a hug.

"Let's blow this joint. And go get Beth back." JJ smiled to her friend of many years.


JJ softly strummed her acoustic guitar lightly to the tune of Crazier by Taylor Swift, sitting on the sidewalk in front of one of the downtown shops. The shop bell dinged, and a blonde girl walked out, listening to the song until the end.

"That's my favorite song." Beth warmly grinned as she put a few dollars in JJ's cup she had sitting beside her.

JJ returned the smile, just not as warm, "one of mine too. Thanks."

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