I turn to the two and smile at them, opening my arms for a hug, which they accept. They must have woken up early for this, they actually took the time to make me something I enjoy. I couldn't be more thankful. As annoying as they are, they're like the sisters I never had.

"Thanks so much you both, you don't know how much this all means to me," I squeeze them lightly in my arms, before letting go.

Jennifer walks further into the kitchen to the cabinet to grab the pain medication and returns to me. I nod, thanking her.

Hayley pulls out the other stool and sits down. "Alright, Jen and I have about thirty minutes before we have to go catch our trains to work at noon, and by the way, we were called about your dance class being cancelled today," she informs me, freeing me from some of my worry. "So come on, tell us what happened with your mum and dad," she catches me off guard with her change from her usual sassy mood, to her kind tone.

Jen brings a chair from the dining table and sits, now both girls looking at me for my story. I sigh before letting out, telling them every detail from yesterday, including the college thing which got them very ecstatic that I wanted to attend the same university as them. As I savor the taste of the delectable, sweet pancakes, I tell about the horrible phone call. The pancakes seem to really help keep me from crying while telling them this, I don't know why I'm so emotional. Both girls remain so supportive, holding my hand.

I begin to mention a few of the names my mom used to spite me and that cut the wire on my cousins, they blew up with anger before I could finish.

Hayley retracts her hand from mine and stands up. "Whoa, hold on. Your mum completely shut down your confidence, dared to bring up Jacob, and called Harry a damn freak?!"

"Yeah, that's pretty much the summary," I answer plainly with my mouth full of the sweet, buttery goodness.

Jennifer furrows her brows. "Don't act all nice and okay about it now Rach, she really did hurt you, and it kills us, as you can see from Hayley's outburst," she rolls her eyes to her, "to see you like this. You are hurt."

"I know I'm hurt," I answer honestly. "I feel like breaking down right now but these pancakes are helping a little," I force a smile, taking another bite. I don't want my cousins to be all worried about me.

"Yeah, yeah, thank the microwave," Hayley rubs it off, exposing what they actually did, though it was still a nice gesture. "You're parents..they always hurt you like this. We hate it! You can't forgive them every time so easily like you do, and especially this time."

I know I can't forgive them this time so easily. It's just that every time I forgave them before was because it's somewhat rubbed in my face all of the things that they've done for me in my life to benefit me, and I felt guilty. It makes me feel like I have to forgive them because even though throughout pretty much my whole life I've struggled to meet their expectations, my parents have helped me. This is why I'm so happy I left. I'm an adult, and the only expectations I need to meet are my own. Surely, many times I've thanked them for what they've done to guide me in the right direction, and now it's my turn.

Jennifer looks at her watch then back up to me. "Well, we'd better get to our train. Remember what we've said, and also enjoy your present!"

I thank them once more and they hug me before gathering their things and leaving. I finish the rest of my meal, surprised at myself for eating so much, then remembering I skipped two meals yesterday. That's unusual.

I drink up my juice and eye the card left by the present, deciding to open that first. When I do, inside I find two different things written:

Congrats on finding someone hot to shag! Also forget about your crappy parents, which is something I know Harry could help take your mind off of... is what is most certainly from Hayley. I re-read it and cannot stop laughing. These are the times when I love her odd humor.

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