chapter 30 part 4

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1928 ,June, 19

Summer time the sound of insects where in full swing summer was here nature now it

The small family went to a lake

Anthony: come on Al , the water is great,  not to cold

Alastor: no thank you I perfer it on land

Charlotte came and pushed Alastor into the water

Alastor came out

Alastor: oh really

Alastor gently picked up Charlotte and placed her into the water

Alastor: there now your wet too

Charlotte splashed Alastor

Alastor: sister your asking for it

Charlotte: I know I am

Husk came over

Husk: Charlotte your okay ?

Charlotte: I'm fine , this summer is killing me though

Husk: the baby ?

Charlotte: baby is fine , Al you want to feel ?

Alastor: no thank you , let your husband do that

Husk : oh come on Al it's a baby within a womb it can't bite yeh even it did bite the child has no teeth .

Alastor: still I'll pass

Anthony: come on Alastor,  just a quick swim

Alastor moved away from Charlotte and pulled

Alastor : if I'm going in ,I'm taking you with me

Both  Anthony and Alastor went into the lake both came out

Anthony: you crazy fool can't belive you did that

Alastor: stop trying to get me into the lack wouldn't have that problem

Alastor stood up went to grab one of the 7  towel that the group brought with them . Amiya sat looking at the lake and tress she had a gleeful carefree look on her face

Alastor: your okay momma

Alastor sat next to her

Amiya: look at them , they are so happy

Husk,  Anthony and Charlotte laughed and smiling

Amiya : I do hope days last like this

Alastor: how ...

Amiya: shhh , don't think of such things

It was just Alastor,and Amiya for the longerst time welcomed Charlotte into there home ,soon Husk came about then Anthony.  They did wounder though how many more days? How many more years till the end of their happiness. 

4 days latter ...

Rain it seems to happen at funarls

Prest said a few words, but Alastor didn't hear a word of it .

Roy : I'm sorry for your lost Al, she was a remarkable,  wonderful woman . Did the doctor say what happend

Alastor: natural dealth , so they say , but I don't understand how ,or why

Roy :it's hard telling what God's plan is for any of us

Alastor: yeah

Roy : will take along as you need to get everything in order .

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