chapter 29 , part 3

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2 MONTHS LATTER .    3, March

The  three men have become fairly close where one was the other where there . The men sat setting in the silence of winter, when they talked they did it with a whisper as to not scare anyone of the animal

Anthony rubbed his hands to together and blew into his cupped hands

Alastor: if you wish to go back inside

Anthony: you kidding  me , it's colder in New York . Besides I've been wanting to hunt with you two since you told me we could

Alastor: Alright , set here then remmber only bucks ,or does if they don't have any young , but bucks we can definitely go for

Anthony :alright suit yourself

Two deer came up both bucks one was a little larger then the other still both would be fine to get .

Anthony looked at the two guys

They both gave a slight head node

Anthony took his raffle took aim and

The other two took aim at that same time
The sound echoed though the woods some of the birds flew off

They went to see the deer both lay still nesther moving

The largest one having one gun shot while the smaller had two

Anthony: wow it took both of you to get the smaller one when it only myself to get the bigger one . You two must be bad at this

Alastor and Husk looked at eachother tugged on Anthony they pulled him down begain to ruff house in the snow

Anthony playfully screamed and laughed

Alastor could since that something was out there the other two stopped

Anthony: what

Alastor layed a hand over his own mouth to tell Anthony to keep quiet

Alastor picked up his wepon shot, but hit a tree ner the sound.  The thing took off

Alastor: come on let's get this deer dress and prepped

Anthony: what right here ?

Alastor: yes what ever we can't eat the animals of the woods will ,it'll be alright. 

Anthony: what do you do with hide ,or what ever you call it

Alastor: we take it clean it and at times use it ,or we sell it depending on what we need at that time .

They got both cleaned up and taken care of . It was around 12 :00

Alastor: should we call the two deer good ,or wish to get other things ?

Husk: Nah I'm good

Anthony: me two

Alastor : very will then

The two put the meet into the car they got cleaned up and changed

Alastor: see that's the reason why we said to bring the extra cloths

Anthony: yeah I'm glade I listen to you two

They went back into town stopped sold some of the meet to the butcher . Then they went to home with the rest of the goods

Anthony: hey Al , can I ask you something ?

Alastor: Ask way my goof friend

Anthony: it's about the sound we keep hearing when we are ner your place what is it ? Sometimes its a bad smell too

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