chapter 5 sick day part 2

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Next moring feeling better Sky sat up from her bed  , but the company she had for nearly a week had left . Alastor and Angel Dust where no where to be seen . She climbed out of the bed striped her bed put the bedding into the washing machine,  put soap in then  started  it up . Went back up stairs disided to take a shower , once done went to the kitchen. Then down stairs room surprisingly empty. 
Sky begain to feel anxious as she couldn't fine anyone . Come to think of it no music came from Alastor's room .
Sky grabbed some breakfast,  then went to her room before opening the door she looked at the door next to her Alastor's room . She had never been in anyone else's room . She knocked on the door no answer , she knocked again . Nothing she gently opend the door slowly the smell was different mixter of fresh of the woods gentle water moved from somewhere.  There in the other side of the room was fire flies she was exsided she missed the woods the sound , it too her back home . There was another smell she knew to well it was the smell of rotting flesh there on a tabe was a deer . Sky ignored the smell looked around the room she found what she was looking for . There in the bed layed a sleeping Alastor.  Sky steep to the bed
Sky placed a hand on Alastor arm , she though Alastor would movie quickly , she had seen him do this plenty of times , even when Alastor seem to be paying no mind what she was doing Alastor would look at her gently pick her up and place in bed . Sky gently shook his arm . His red eyes opend ,but no smile

Sky : Alastor? , you oaky

Sky placed a hand on his forhead

As Sky was touching Alastor for head it left warm something rather quickly grabbed her wrist she got startled

Sky : Alastor is me , Sky please

Sky said with a sartail and consurn in her voice

Alastor squeezed her wrist Sky knew if she moved and squrmed it would be worse ,so she waited .

Sky : Alastor it's me Sky , your okay

Alastor heard the door open he know someone was in his room , but who his ears ringed the pain was to much . Sky's  voice to Alastor sounded like she was trying to speak to him while he was underwater

Alastor : S-sky ?

Sky : yeap ,it's me

Alastor let go of Sky

Alastor: sorry

Alastor begain to cough , sounded just like Sky's cough ruff , like sand paper , deep in the chest . Alastor grabbed the glass on the night stand , it fell down spiling the drink half on Sky the other part on the ground the glass would have landed on the ground ,but landed on Sky's arm the rested in her lap .

Alastor: sorry

Sky : its oaky ,your fine I'll get you some more Sky took the glass filled it up with water , or close to the top of the glass she didnt want him to spill it ... again  she looked at her wrist brus of Alastor hand begain to show .

Sky took the drink to Alastor

Alastor tried to set up

Sky : no ,no shh let me you took care of me , my turn okay ?

Alastor let Sky help him

Alastor: how's the other's ?

Sky : I don't know , your the first I came to check on . No one else is up neather . I don't know why came to you first , but I did

Alastor helped Sky tilt the glass to get the rest of water out of the glass , Alastor coughed  speating some of the water out begain to shiver

Sky : I'll get something to clean it up

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