Chapter 18

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Sophie gave everyone a moment, letting the realization of Elysian's words wash over them.

But there was still one thing- the thing that didn't make sense.

That drowned out the meaning of her words.

And Keefe said it for her.

"If wind absorbs Marsiresque and shadowflux," he said slowly, "doesn't that mean I'd technically have been exposed to quintessence and shadowflux before Mommy Dearest made me her personal Legacy Boy?"

"Wind absorbs from us, too," Sophie reminded him. "It takes heat and moisture away from our bodies."

Any other time Keefe would have teased her for using fancy logic.

But this wasn't any other time.

It really wasn't.

Because her head was now spinning, taking all the meaning and logic away from her.

"So...The key element here is wind?" she asked, trying to make sense of the chaos in her head.

"Now you tell me," Tam grumbled.

Sophie couldn't necessarily blame him.

He'd spent a while thinking that shadowflux was key to whatever was happening with Keefe-now only to feel his knowledge was useless.

"Shadowflux does play a part," Elysian clarified. "But it's not the element I usually want to harness.

"So..." Biana asked, twisting her eyes, "why?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Why what?" Keefe asked.

"Why does Gisela want to get this power in the first place? What does it do to you?"

Elysian laughed softly again. "Power," she muttered in a voice that was almost a whisper. "It's always used for the same thing- complete control. Complete control and power is uplifting. But often it leaves you...lonely."

Sophie realized only then how long Elysian must have spent without a friend wherever this was.

Which only made her more curious about Elysian's past.

"Is this the part where you tell us we have to go on some epic, legendary quest to save the world and stop my mom from getting her hands on the power source?" Keefe asked.

"That sounds like a plot you took out of a human fantasy story," Elysian informed him. "And no, you won't go on a 'legendary quest.' Gisela's clearly lying low as of now. And I think... it's time you had some truth."

"That rarely comes for free," Tam noted.

"Trust me," Elysian assured him, "in my case, it will. I do know that from the beginning-since I came here- that I wouldn't take a side, no matter what happened. But...I can't bring myself to let you fight Gisela without at least this much knowledge."

She swept her arm up as she walked forward, cueing them to follow her.

The four friends glanced at each other uneasily before sharing an expression that said, Eh-it's worth the risk.

𝐸𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑎𝑛:A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now