Chapter 14

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Yes, Azalea thought. Cygnus was an ancestor of ours. Is this important to you?


The fact that Cygnus was a person and not just a constellation was pretty shocking.

However... there were more important things for her to focus on right now.

As if on cue, Rogan told her, Keep watching.

She turned her focus back to the memory, in which the man called Sam paced even faster. "Meena, those brats will be no use to us otherwise. What will we do when Tanix and Elaxi are out of the picture?"

Sophie's chest tightened. She was glad that the younger Rogan's mind was filled with doubt and worry.

He was too young at that point in the memory to have to bear the burden of what they were saying.

But the present Rogan's mind was....


And blank.

And guilty.

As if he'd replayed all his memories as many times as Sophie had replayed hers, searching for all the clues he had missed, should have understood, testing how obvious each of them were when he knew what he was looking for.

Don't do that, Sophie told him, surprised at how sharply it came out. I've had a lot of experience with that sort of thing, okay? It's not the most awesome mental road to travel. It can happen when you have a crazy life, but you have to overcome it.And with all due respect, my life has been way crazier than yours.

Sophie's right, Fitz chimed in. It felt like ages since the last time he'd agreed with her. The clues seem too obvious when you know what to look for. We would know.

A distinct memory traitorously crept into Sophie's mind.

Sophie, sitting on the back of an eckodon with Keefe, with him wrapping his arms around her.

Alluveterre felt like a lifetime ago, but... she distinctly remembered telling him the same thing Fitz had just said.

In the memory, Meena sighed. "Gisela will do anything or anything to get what she wants. You know that. So do what you must, but make sure she never knows-"


Another name that made Sophie's heart stall.

But... she was now used to finding out that Keefe's mom was involved in basically everything.

Turning to the memory, Sophie watched as Meena was cut off as a projection spawned from a device in front of the table.

And Sophie knew the blond haired, ice blue eyed woman projected all to well. Even when details like the width of her nose and the gap between her eyes were off.

Sam stopped pacing to dip into a bow. "Lady Gisela."

Gisela barely nodded in greeting. " Well?" She snapped. "Have you gotten hold of them yet?"

"A little time-"

"You said that last time. I will not tolerate this. Especially-"

"Rogan's power is being controlled," Meena began scathingly.

"No, no!" Gisela waved her off. "The girl, the younger one."

𝐸𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑎𝑛:A KOTLC fanfic | HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now