Chapter 10

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Sophie didn't know what else to say.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Ro demanded. "You'd think that this is the first time you've seen a victorious ogre princess?"
Sophie got stuck on the word victorious.
She gasped. "Does that mean..."
Ro opened her mouth to answer, but Forkle cut her off. "Perhaps you'd like to continue this discussion downstairs after you've changed."
Sophie glanced at her sparkly alicorn pajamas.
Then at Ro and her usual wicked grin.
"Okay," she agreed. "Give me five minutes."
Sophie ran downstairs in a red tunic with white ruffles and black leggings. She wore light brown knee length boots.
Ro looked her up and down. "Okay, now can I start?" She asked Mr Forkle.
He sighed and nodded
"Okay, so Cad's spot was, like, completely obvious. We all knew how attached he was to this stupid spot in Ravagog, not saying where.."
Sophie tuned Ro out after a while, glad that Cadafael had been captured but more worried about Elysian and the warning that was still sharp in her head.
"-and you should have seen the look on his face," Ro gloated.
Everyone else looked green, making Sophie secretly glad she hadn't been listening.
"So, Blondie..." Ro leaned in to look at her closely. "Anything new I should know?"
"ًWhat do you mean?" Sophie hoped the sincere confusion in her voice was enough to take Ro in.
Without a word, Ro lifted her glowing wrist.
Curse that Linquillosia.
Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Sophie quickly explained about the glowing fungus.
And, grabbing the opportunity to dodge the question, she told everyone about Elysian appearing.
"Maybe she used the wind to carry her thoughts to you," Biana suggested, and everybody murmured in agreement.
"Maybe," Sophie said, "but I'm more concerned about the 'third step' thing."
She tried desperately to block out Ro's I'm-letting-it-slide-for-now-but-you're-not-getting-out-of-it-later look.
A thoughtful silence fell around the room.
Just then, Grady burst into the room holding a scroll.
Sophie yelled with shock-then realized this was the first time she'd seen Grady since she'd come back.
After crushing him in a bear hug, she let him talk.
"Sorry," he said breathlessly."But this scroll is from the Council. I tried to open it,but they said it was for you only, kiddo. Can you try?"
Wordlessly, Sophie motioned for him to hand over the scroll.
As soon as she fingered the seal, it fell away, revealing a message.
Team Valiant,
The Council has been informed of your recent activities, and your discovery of two teenage elves, formerly residents of the Lost Cities. They have been moved into residence with Sir Tiergan Alenefar, who has kindly agreed to host them along with Tam and Linh Song, and former Neverseen member Rayni Aria, formerly known as 'Glimmer.'If our informants are correct, these two elves are named Azalea and Rogan Joysule. We are also aware that you have withheld other information from us, so we request a meeting in Councillor Oralie's castle today at 10.
"What happened?" Mr Forkle asked.
Sophie shook her head. "I don't know what's going all or who told them what, but the Councillors want to meet us-today.Us is Team Valiant."
Biana's lower lip trembled. "Why?"
"I don't have time to explain!"
And I, the author, am lazy.
Sophie transmitted their recent discoveries around, and waited for the questions to fly around- which they did.
"Do you think she knows other humans?"
"Which is her real name-Elysian or Aeverie?"
"Why do you trust her?"
"She could be an impostor!"
Just as her friends had finally finished sharing their opinions ( Tam had some interesting ideas) Sophie's mind got interrupted by a mental blast of transmissions.
Sophie's eyes lit up. Silveny?
I'll be right out,after I'm back from the Council! She transmitted.
Though she felt a little guilty.
She'd been spending less and less time with the alicorns as things got tougher-when she should've been supporting her.
She made a mental resolve to talk to them after her meet with the Council was over.
Let's just assume they hail Stina and tell her to come,okay? I don't know where to fit that in.
Sophie sat uncomfortably, twisting her fingers in her lap. Sandor, needing his time to rest after his injuries, had stayed home.
She'd even managed to stop him from cursing himself for not being able to protect his charge by assuaging him that she wasn't a scared little girl with no anticipation of her enemies anymore. She could protect herself. And that had seemed to be enough for him.
Ro had gone to find Keefe, since he was still in the Grove- and judging from her expression, the poor guy was in for some serious ogre interrogation.
Who wants a Keefe POV chapter for the next chapter?
Tam had gone to Solreef, probably to check on Rayni, and Linh- well. She and Sophie weren't as close as they'd once been,which made Sophie a little sad, but if she had to guess, Linh had gone to brainstorm or train with Marella or Maruca -assuming that Marella and Maruca were up for that:They'd been looking pretty burned out when they'd leaped off together. Still,it seemed like ages ago that she'd met she scared, shy girl in the forest,still grappling with her ability.
And who knew where Forkle had gone with his brow creased and crystal in the air.
Sophie somehow managed to bring her mind back to the present-and her jaw dropped when she saw the two teenagers standing in front of her.
Azzie had her hair in a half ponytail, tied back with a green hair tie made of beads. Her tunic was a blue and green tie dye off-the-shoulder one, worn over a purple shirt and matching purple leggings. Her boots were sky blue. The pattern on her round,dangly earrings matched her tunic. She wore a silver necklace, and a silver bracelet and bangle on her left hand. Sophie could never put as much effort into clothes as she did. And she seriously didn't know where it all came from.
And then there was Rogan, who was wearing his usual muted tones-though he managed to look good in them.
Sophie met their eyes, exchanging the greetings with her own. She glanced at Stina,Dex,Wylie and Biana, realizing that they didn't know each other. Stina was looking at Azzie with a wrinkled nose. Azzie, not to be outdone, was glaring right back at her.
Biana's expression was curious, matching Dex's. Wylie looked at them with interest.
Sophie furiously opened her mouth with every intention to yell at the Councillors not to drag them into this.
But Azzie shook her head and set her jaw, and Rogan nodded.
The thought they had was clear:We'll give them a piece of our minds for you.
And just as she was turning away, Sophie's eyes met Oralie's.
And the usual emotions were set into them: sorrow, fear, guilt.
But Sophie had long learned to look past those.
And in the depths, she saw a warning: Don't push it, Sophie.
Emery, showing his usual spokesperson experience, opened the talk.
"Miss Foster," he said, addressing her. "We have been informed of your recent activities,and..."
"You don't think I should trust Elysian," she finished.
"That is one thing we were going to discuss," he admitted. "How can you just trust a woman who won't even confirm what her name is-a woman who won't explain the myths surrounding her name? For all you know, she could be lying."
"I'm going to ask you to trust me on that," Sophie snapped. "Experience has shown that you should've trusted me ages ago. What I am going to ask is: why are you dragging Azalea and Rogan into this? What did they do? Or have you decided to go back to square one and start mistrusting all teenagers involved in a rebellion?"
Huh. Ro is right. I like this new Sophie.
Silence fell,and even Stina looked impressed with that-but only for a while.
"Trust Foster to be all self-assured," she muttered.
Bronte sighed. "We want to suggest some backup for them to monitor their activities-"
"Backup," Azalea mimicked scornfully. "Who do you think we are, some newbie hacks who have no experience with the Council? We know full well this means one of your goblin stalkers."
"Or you'll take away knowledge of our existence, as runaway teenagers are probably a threat to Elvin reputation," Rogan added sarcastically.
Biana, Dex and Wylie all had expressions that said, I think I'm going to like these kids.
"Either way," Rogan continued, "don't try to act like we don't know what the Council is like."
Bronte's scowl turned murderous. "What else do you expect us to do with two runaways?"
"It's hardly like we can just trust you," Darek added.
"And it's hardly like we want to stay here any longer," Biana scoffed.
Dex rolled his eyes. "I thought you guys had finally changed-"
"Me,too," Wylie added-
"-after you offered this position to me."
"Don't push the limits," Emery warned.
But Sophie and her friends were already standing. "All I want to push right now is a door," she said.
Oralie had the sense not to argue as she led them away.
And Sophie, like always, refused to look at her.
Maybe she was afraid of finding facial similarities.
She didn't know.
All she did know, she thought, glancing at Azzie and Rogan, is that she needed to know her new friends better.
SO sorry it's been a month. I, Aahana, swear never to delay an update that long ever ever ever again!
Also, feel free to leave your opinions and feedback in the comments.
I know the Council seem like jerks in this chapter, but that is because it was convenient to the plot. They'll start working together again soon enough- SPOILER ALERT!
On a completely unrelated note, I LOVE fourth wall breaks. Who says I should write a fanfic about them? I am also ALREADY- oops, sorry, no more story spoilers!
Anyway, a lot of times while writing this chapter I was like, 'ok, this is enough-' but then I thought '- nope, no cutting corners! You can't just make everyone wait ages to post some random filler chapter!' Honestly, I think this helped me realize what it's like to be Shannon Messenger. She has all my sympathy!
Hope you enjoyed this Chapter-and chapter 11 will come out faster, I swear!
Welp, I'm finally done-and I can hit the publish button! YESS!

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