Chapter 4

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It was the only word Lady Gisela uttered.
A plea to stop.
To listen.
But Sophie had heard it all too often.
"What," she said, turning slowly towards her, "is the problem now?"
Keefe laughed. "Let me explain, Foster. I'm sure she's thinking, 'Hey,guys,thanks for leading me to Elysian,but I'll just go and come tomorrow! Catch you later!'"
Gisela rolled her eyes. "I do not need a favor, either from you or this imposter. My research cannot be incorrect."
But Sophie saw a dash of emotion on Gisela's face.
"I may not know what to do now, but I will soon," she bragged. "I will know where to get the power, how to use it. I will know who she is. And," she added, turning to Keefe, " You will not hide forever.I will be back. You will lose."
Was that what they were doing now?
Losing, over and over?
" Know this,Sophie Foster," she added, scowling at Sophie. "I should have told you this long before. You have chosen the wrong enemy. A dangerous one too."
Maruca raised her palms,presumably to form a force field,and Marella squinted her eyes as though trying to flare up a flame.
But with one quick flash of light,she was gone.
How...Did this always happen?
Every wretched time?
If Ro were there,she'd have grumbled that elves always had to be flashy, no matter what- but that was the last thing that should have been on her mind. In fact,just thinking about Ro and how she hadn't gotten any news sent a small pang of worry and annoyance inside-but she waved it off.
Ro could take care of herself.
She hoped...
"Sorry," Marella and Maruca mumbled together, snapping Sophie back to the present.
"It's not your fault," she assured them. "Either of you. You guys tried."
Maruca gave her a watery smile.
"And now," Keefe said with a painfully forced attempt at a smirk, "it's time for all the epic-level freaking out we all knew was coming. I'm pretty sure you just wanted Mom out of the way- and, hey, no one's blaming you! I would've done the same! But we need answers,okay? Like, how can a person be a power source? And, why is there a myth about the Elysian Fields? What's with the star alignment thing? What is Nightfall? Why did you say Elvin like you're not an elf? " He nodded. "See, I've just asked every single question you might need."
Turns out,he hadn't.
It felt like an eternity of questions before Sophie's tired, muddled brain could scrape together a story.
Elysian used to be an elf. Her family was always embarrassed by how distant and different she was.She didn't have friends. She'd constantly get compared to her siblings.
But inside,she knew she was bigger.
More powerful.
And that had been proved when she manifested as a Guster at just age 10- the earliest in her family.
But- somehow- for her parents, that wasn't enough.
"Jealousy is a powerful thing," she'd said quietly.
The final straw- the biggest problem- had been when her parents finally snapped. They called her a failure, a shame to their name, an oddity.
As soon as they were done,they'd covered their mouths,like they'd worn out their quiver of anger, insults- their deepest annoyances. But... they couldn't erase what they'd just done.
"For years, I'd had this... feeling. Like I wasn't wanted. Like I just didn't belong. And, strangely,that didn't hurt. What hurt was... the confirmation,the bitter truth. It was more than I could handle. I had taken that- bitter truth. I wasn't wanted, I didn't belong."
Strangely enough, Sophie knew.
You could be more like your sister.
That had been her final straw- the final block in the wall that'd separated her and her human family.
As much as she loved them, she could never go back.
The thought brought a huge lump to her throat.
She shook her head- hard- and forced herself to focus.
Elysian took this as a sign. She and her parents wouldn't be able to live together again.
The straw- their slip- had hurt more than she wanted to admit.
But she wasn't weak.
She'd packed some necessities,then fled for good.
That was when she discovered this place.
That was why she knew she was different.
" I myself aroused the saying, 'Never trust a Guster'," she said,almost to herself.
She'd just wanted to be alone.
Trickling water.
Butterflies kissed with red.
The winds listened to her commands more than anything else ever before.
She could make them take away things, give them back- as she proved by giving back their abilities then and there.
Everyone let out sighs of relief.
But Keefe looked pale with shock, and discomfort- and it made Sophie reach for his hand,squeezing so tight the blood rushed to their fingertips.
(Does this happen with tight squeezes, or the opposite? IDK...)
Fitz pressed his lips together, but didn't say anything.
"Whoa," everyone else whispered, too distracted to see what was going on
( Yes, I am kinda messing with this... don't worry, they'll realize soon enough. 😃)
Elysian continued her story- and Sophie had the feeling they were getting to the good part now.
She told them all about living there,about nature,the wind,the flowers- about each as if they were her children. The sparks in her eyes were those of unconditional love.
She made herself one with her surroundings, changing her form- her eyes were how she reminded herself she was very so different.
In a very eerie way, she herself was Sophie's soul twin.
They were so alike it was creepy.
But.... One day, she'd stumbled beyond the lands she'd restricted herself to. She'd wanted to explore more areas,and wanted to see the world.
She asked the winds to take her the direction they felt.
At this point, it kinda felt like she was reaching a part of the story she hated to talk about.
"I reached an-an area- what is it the humans call it? London?"
Sophie nodded vigorously. "It's a city."
"I-I- "  She covered her face with her hands. " I came across two humans," she said, her jade green eyes wide with remorse and pain. "They were- better- than other humans I knew." She stared out at the sky her eyes filling with the sort of grief and knowledge only those with experience could have. "I couldn't help myself- I visited them sometimes. But then..."
She cast dark eyes on the spot where Lady Gisela had stood, minutes ago- though it currently felt like it had been an eternity.
"I didn't mean to let her see me," she whispered. "But- she caught a flash, of me, of my eyes, as I hurried away. I could somehow tell she was an elf. I was in danger once more.
Green eyes.
Almond shape.
"And a pair of green eyes that could belong to anybody."
Except... not.
Even if there was an 'anybody,'they'd found her. And as she glanced at Keefe's face, the understanding dawned just at the same time as her.
"Will you two end your staring contest and tell us what the big deal is?" Fitz snapped.
Sophie was too shocked to care.
Because when Keefe's memories had been recovered, all those months ago, she'd never thought they could be that important.
So much had happened since then.
But those eyes- jade green- had been Elysian's eyes.
And Gisela had implanted them into her son's mind.
And they were the reason...
"Could you tell us the names of those humans?" Sophie whispered, clinging to the one hope that it could be a fluke,a mistake- anything.
But the last sparks of hope faded from both her eyes and Keefe's when Elysian breathed, "Ethan and Eleanor Wright."

A/N: Yes, this is the end of Chapter 4- and don't worry, I'll add more as soon as possible.
Happy Dhanteras- and for those of you who don't know what that is, Happy Friday!!!!!

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