Chapter 12- Fitz's POV

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Yes, I know a lot of you will worry about my sanity for writing a Fitz POV chapter, but this chapter is crucial to resolve the Fitz/Sophie/Keefe thing. While Fitz is not my favorite character,(which may be putting it mildly,) I'm not gonna turn him into something he's not, if you get what I mean. I'm not gonna make him this jealous, angry, uh.. I don't know 😂 . Plus, I wanted to give him a little piece of my mind from Stellarlune, soo.. yeah.
Please read this chapter and feel free to comment where you feel like it! I love replying to comments!
Fitz stared out of his bedroom window.
It was translucent, to give him some privacy.
Something he needed right now, because he couldn't stop thinking about it- 'it' being the last step of the Cognate Inquisition.
His mind kept flashing to the moment Sophie had averted her brown eyes and transmitted the last words he'd wanted to hear.
He kissed me tonight. And I kissed him back.
And in his opinion, his response had been completely justified. Wouldn't anyone be mad for being lead on?
Well- to be honest, he had wanted to talk to Sophie alone and apologize- but that didn't mean he'd completely gotten over it! He was still mad at her, and Keefe, and basically the universe.
That was it.
He couldn't think about this any longer.
"Mom, Dad," he yelled to his parents, grabbing his boots. "Going for a walk."
"On that leg of yours?" Biana asked, appearing in the doorway.
"I curse the day you became a Vanisher," Fitz grumbled.
Biana flashed one of her roguish grins. "Just doing my job. Now tell me... what's the real reason you've decided to get rid of yourself for the night?"
"If it was your business, you'd know already."
"It is my business, and you know that all too well," she said. "I know it has something to do with Sophie."
It actually did-but he wasn't gonna tell her that.
"Hail her," he told Biana. "If she's actually your best friend, she'll tell you. I wouldn't be surprised if she's not."
He saw the shock and hurt in his sister's eyes, but he was too mad to care.
He ducked past her and exited the mansion.Something told him to walk out of the gates.
He stared at the midnight sky, littered with stars-even for elves it seemed kind of surreal.He'd heard that humans actually wished on them.
How absurd.
As if his wishes would ever come true.
"Over here!" a female voice hissed.
That voice was new- but not so new that Fitz didn't recognize it.
It was that new girl- the one with the older brother.
The two outcast elves that Sophie had brought back to the Lost Cities. What was the girl's name again? Azaree? Oh, wait, it was Azalea. He nodded quietly and ducked behind the tree.
"Listen up," Azalea said, her piercing eyes matching her piercing scowl, "I know what you're thinking right now. And it isn't fair."
"If you mean it isn't fair on me then I agree- but if you mean it isn't fair on Sophie and Keefe then-"
"You do know exactly what I mean." Now Azzie had started she wouldn't stop. "You do know he had a giant crush on her? And he still managed to put that aside for her happiness, and yours too? And you can't do the same for him?"
Fitz was silent for a while.
"He had to keep a hold on his feelings every time he looked at her- and you? Can't you accept that with the way things were going between you, you'd have to move on one day? You should be happy he even stayed your best friend after all of that, and instead, you want to keep finding more reasons to be angry.''
"H-how do you know all this?" He asked, instead of replying.
And he could see the glare in her eyes soften when she said, "Because I do."
Fitz thought about it.
And thought.
And thought.
... she was honestly right.
Why had he been so attracted to Sophie in the first place? Because he was stabbed by a giant bug thing and realized how hard almost dying was?
That was just stupid.
Had he even liked her in the first place?
Or was it just something he was trying to hide behind?
And why was he hiding?Why was he so embarrassed?
And the honest answer was: He had looked up to her, admired her as a leader. But his ego had made him think he had a crush on her.
And he'd put her and Keefe through who knew how much because of his dumb pride.
If that was the case, he needed to talk to Keefe immediately.
Maybe say  sorry for all the times he should've been there for him, but Sophie had to come in instead.
And... if he thought about it, Keefe and Sophie had always had a special bond. They'd always been easy around each other, been each others shoulder to cry on, supported each other through difficulty.
And that sort of thing was way more than just the average brother-sister bond.
More than he could say for himself.
He'd been super selfish, he thought, feeling a pang of guilt as he thought of what he'd said to Biana.
Because Biana was actually a true friend- again, that was more than he could say for himself.
Of course, he owed her an apology too- big time.
But he needed to finish up this conversation first.
"How did you know I'd come out here?" He asked Azalea.
"We'll just leave that as another of my mysteries," she said, flashing a smirk worthy of Keefe.
She could've been his sister.
Fitz sighed. "What's your point, then?"
"My point is that you need to let all of this go-now. We're on a timeline- there're only six days left! We need to move on- and we only can if you let them be happy.
Those words sounded familiar- but Fitz wasn't sure why.
All he knew was- she was actually right. He'd forgotten about the timeline.
"What do I do?" He asked. He didn't normally go to strangers for advice, but Azalea was an exception. She was someone who could be trusted.
And her next words changed everything.
"Sophie's called a meeting. I wanted to talk privately first, because this's been in my head for ages," she said."Get Biana and your parents-we need to go."
A/N: Betcha thought I had forgotten about the timeline! Also- who says I should ship Azzie X Fitz?

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