Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
A/N: Just a heads-up here, this chapter shifts from the POV's of Biana and Edaline-people back in the Lost Cities,up till the point Sophie and her friends come back. Enjoy!
Biana had not slept that night.
She couldn't.
Not when people she cared about were in danger.
Which was... strange,if she was being honest.
In her history, she'd always been the one to toss her head back, laugh, and assure everyone her friends could handle themselves.
But nothing about these new revelations were normal.
She sighed. Since when had she started acting like Sophie in her thought process? They'd be fine.
She rolled over in bed to get up and study her face in the mirror.
She honestly didn't know what she was looking for in her reflection.
Trudging towards her closet, she dug into it to try and find something to wear.
The trouble was..
The normal fashion plate had a million clothes.
Biana had a quadrillion.
And some people wouldn't let her hear the end of it.
You guys got any ideas who?
Gold tunic? Too tacky.
Shocking pink? Meh.
That was the color of blood.
Fresh-spilled, no,Neverseen spilled blood..
Relax, Vacker! You're gonna knock yourself out!
Dressing was supposed to make her feel better, not make her worry!
She shook her head, eventually settling for a sparkling purple tunic that faded to lilac at the bottom with a dark, dark violet cape, cream leggings, a gold hairpin, and black knee length boots with heels.
Just as she was about to head down, she grabbed her Imparter on a sudden impulse.
"Sophie Foster," she whispered.
Her breath fogged the Imparter's silver screen,but no matter how many times the mist swirled round, Sophie's face didn't appear.
She shut her eyes and counted. After she reached 189, she decided it was pointless.
She tried everyone else who'd gone with Sophie, but to no avail.
She let out an emo sigh for the second time that day.
At this rate, she'd be sulking in her room.
She attempted a cheerful grin as she headed down to meet her mother and father.
Except, they weren't the only ones downstairs.
Mr Forkle was there too.
As was Councillor Oralie.
Alden seemed to be trying to hide, and Della-well, at least she was trying to act like everything was normal.
"What's it this time?" She asked, attempting a cheery grin. "The Neverseen haven't gone back to fire attacks, have they?"
"No," Forkle said wheezily.
Once again, Biana marveled at how he could manage being so bloated every day.
Oh, focus,she commanded.
That wasn't necessarily one of her strong points, though.
"It appears Miss Foster, Mr Vacker, Mr Sencen, Miss Redek, and Miss Chebota haven't returned yet- or sent any sort of message.
Biana's mouth felt like sandpaper.
"You mean-after rushing off with Vespera,they haven't come back yet?"
The scars on her arms tingled.
She'd learned the hard way not to trust Vespera.
"But," he added, "there is something I'd like you to work on."
She swallowed.
"I've been told by Miss Foster," he added, "that Elysian is a word to describe heaven, even a place or name."
"I've long been uncertain what Kenric meant by Elysian," Oralie added softly. "It could have been a place- but it could be something else too."
Biana had almost forgotten she was there.m
"This will take old knowledge,apparently," said Della,apparently finding her voice.
Biana groaned,her worries evaporating. "You're seriously telling me to read old books?" she whined.
"And human legends."
Biana sighed. " I guess I can't complain,since I don't have anything better to do.And,please tell me other people will be there!"
"There will be," Forkle said. "Mr Tam,Miss Linh,and the rest of Team Valiant will be there.
Biana perked up. "Okay!"
At least she wouldn't have to do it alone-despite how annoying Stina could be.
And Tam would be there...
She wished she could smack herself.She couldn't zone out in front of Forkle!
"So, the great library adventure begins!" she exclaimed,hurrying through distracted goodbyes with her parents.
They seemed to  have other things on their minds now-her dad especially.
Hear that,Alden? You're getting major payback for the end of Flashback-don't say I didn't warn you!
"Library,you ready? Here comes Biana Vacker!"
Edaline tried to convince herself Sophie was fine.
Tried reminding herself of Silveny's pep talk.
But she couldn't stop her mind from going back to the last time they'd trusted a member.
Thirst for blood.
It never went away.
Show them your family's legacy.
Well,she'd had enough.
The purplish bruises under her eyes were ones she'd had only once before.
After Jolie...
She shook the thought of Jolie's last scream out of her head.
This was Sophie.
The same Sophie who'd braved disaster after disaster.
And if she couldn't handle it-nobody could.
"I had enough of books after discovering Nightfall," Tam grumbled,flicking through what looked like an endless book.
Biana was right there with him.
In fact,she was surprised she hadn't chucked the books out of Hushwood's door.
But,she did have to keep him cheerful-though it was nice when he pouted.
"Forkle said we'll be in the Forbidden Cities soon," she said.
"You don't have to be Biana of Brightness, you know," he said.
"Uh,I hate to break up the happy couple there," Dex interrupted,making Biana redden and Tam's cheeks tint pink,(has that been said in any of the books?), "but we need to get cracking."
"Oh please,why are you guys making it sound like such a chore?" Stina said snottily.
"Come on,Stina,even you can't pretend it's fun."
"Well...yeah," she admitted. "I can't."
Linh slammed the book shut. "How is reading about dancing verminons supposed to help find Elysian?"
Biana didn't have an answer.
I'd love to write more about their library antics,but I'm lazyyyy... so,flash forward!
Just as Biana was listening to an enjoyable rant fest between Linh and Wylie (they were adorable) Forkle charged into the room, cutting Biana's spiralling train of thought on Lylie.
Biana once again pitied how out of breath he looked in his puffy,wrinkled form.
"Anything?" he asked.
Stina shrugged. " Well, unless you count a book on the laws of the heavens in a random human language.."
I was not referring to a particular religion there,so do not comment about it,please,as I don't want anybody to take offense.
Mr Forkle was hardly listening. "Well, there is a human land that requires attention. We came across it,and..."
"You want us to come?"
"If you are willing ."
Biana glanced at everybody.
They gave her little excited nods.
"Forbidden Cities? Sure!" she shouted confidently. "Bring it on!"
" want to relocate the animals?"
"Hide them," Terik corrected. " For now."
The Councillors had arrived about thirty minutes ago,and...well,you could probably tell what they were talking about.
"How?" Grady demanded,placing a hand on shoulder.
It was a comforting,protective movement.
"A few Psniopaths should silence them. It will draw the attention away from you."
Grady glanced at Edaline.
She nodded. "Preferably until Sophie gets back."
She headed back to her room.
With work.
She didn't have time for silly quibbles.
They had never gotten her anywhere.
What would you do if you had to think like a murderer?
"The desert?" Tam asked.
The wind was blowing around them. Kicking up a dust storm.
This was possibly even more boring than the library.
"You need to investigate these dunes," Forkle explained. "We're bear Britain right now."
But Biana could see it.
The warm,energetic glow wrapping each dune.
She breathed out.
"Let's get to work."
An hour had passed since the Councillors had left.
The pastures were oddly quiet.
She missed the flaredons and Verdi and even the verminion.
But she could hear-scuffling.
She snuck out,quietly leaning against the wall.
She shushed her breathing.
"I don't like how quiet this is," a girl's voice declared. "Do you think we should-"
Edaline could hold it no longer.
She stumbled out,grace forgotten.
She managed to keep the tears from filling her eyes as her daughter whispered, "Edaline?"

A/N:See you in Chapter 9!

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