(For honor) Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

Billy and Glen opened the door to confront the three knights, both making sure that the angle of the door didn't reveal much of the interior of the room so none of the knights could see (Y/N), who was likely finishing vomiting into the bucket while Frank and Gideon tried to calm him down.

Amber: Hey Glen, Billy, everything good? you took a while to awnser the door.

Glen: Yeah everything is fine.

Billy: We were a little bussy.

Ademar: Bussy with what?

Glen: Well (Y/N) had food poissoning, so he threw up a few minutes ago, but everything is under control now.

Amber: Is (Y/N) alright? came we come in to check on him?

Glen: Yes evereything is goos, he is in the bathroom now cleaning himself up.

Amber: Could we still come inside, we would like to check that he is alright.

Stone: We could help out with something.

Before the three knights could continue insisting, Billy decided to intervene.

Billy: Fellas, is it gay to kiss a girl?

Stone, Amber, Ademar and Glen: ... what?

Billy: I mean, you are literally kissing someone who likes dicks.

Stone: Billy... what the fuck?

Billy: Fellas, is it gay to drink water? I mean the make body is made off 70% water. You're literaly deepthroating another man.

Glen: Billy... please, shut the fuck up.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to look on a mirror? I mean you are literally checking out a man's body.

Ademar: Yeah, but's your own.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to make money? You are literally collecting pictures of another men.

From inside the room the other 3 could listen to the conversation as they were helping (Y/N) to stand up. Gideon was putting the bucket away as Frank was helping a shaking (Y/N) to stand up.

(Y/N): What the hell is Billy saying?

Frank: To tell you the truth (Y/N), no fucking idea.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to masturbate? I mean you are literally touching a dick!

Billy: Fellas is it gay to see? I mean you are literrally observing in a world with a lot of dick!

Glen: I am going to kill you.

Billy: Fellas is it gay to be a man? You are literally walking around with a dick atached to you!

Billy grabbed Ademar by the shoulders and started to shake him while Glen just pinched the bridge if his nose in dissapointment.

Billy: Fellas! Is it gay to breeth?! You are literally inhaling dick particles!!!

Ademar: *Trying to scape billy grasp.* Billy let go of me!


Glen: *Freeing Ademar from Billy grasp.* Alright thats enough of you!

Inside the room (Y/N) had managed to calm down and put on some fresh cloathes and brushed his teeth to have a better smell on his mouth. He then went outside to put an end to Billy's acting.

(Y/N): Alright, alright I have heard enough, Billy just don't say that ever again.

Billy: Fine...

The knights were relieved to see that (Y/N) was okay and that he stoped Billy from continuing.

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