(Resident Evil) Chapter 3

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3°person POV:

After Sam and Müller said goodbye to (Y/N). This one was left alone with the lords. Lady Dimitrescu reached for the little boy and lifted him up with one hand.

Lady Dimitrescu: Don't worry (Y/N), we'll take care of you.

With that, the lords returned to their respective territories. (Y/N) started talking to Lady Dimitrescu about what kind of favor Mother Miranda owned to Sam. Lady dimitrescu refused to talk about it and quickly changed the subject, distracting (Y/N) with the Duke.

The Duke was waiting at the main door of the castle, for all his merchandise to be unloaded at the castle

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The Duke was waiting at the main door of the castle, for all his merchandise to be unloaded at the castle.

Lady Dimitrescu: Greetings Duke, how have sales been this year?

The Duke turned his head to see Lady Dimitrescu and the new guest of the castle that she was carrying in one of her hands.

Duke: Hello Mlle Dimitrescu. Sales have been amazing this year, thanks for asking. But who is the child that she is carrying in her hand?

Lady Dimitrescu: This is (Y/N). The responsibility of caring for him has fallen on me. After all he is a (L/N).

The Duke was surprised to find out about this and asked the origin of (Y/N). Lady Dimitrescu proceeded to tell the Duke about what happened to (Y/N). The Duke was sad to hear such a story.

Duke: I'm sorry you had to go through that my little friend. I know this won't take away your pain, but I insist that you keep something from my store. Please I insist.

(Y/N) began to see what the Duke had to offer in his store and in the end decided to keep a small pocket watch.

(Y/N) began to see what the Duke had to offer in his store and in the end decided to keep a small pocket watch

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Duke: Good choice. That little watch, even if you don't believe me, has belonged to the members of the French royal family. This same watch belonged to King Luis Felipe I.

Lady Dimitrescu: Thanks Duke now, if you'll excuse us, I have to introduce (Y/N) to the rest of the castle members.

Lady Dimitrescu, was about to leave with (Y/N) until the little boy asked a question.

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