(For Honor) Chapter 5

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Time skip 9 years.

Third person P.O.V.:

You can hear the noise of raindrops hitting the windows of a building. The building in question is the headquarters of the Terran army. The building has several floors, but on the top floor is one of the most powerful men in the world. The person is (Y/N) "Ghost" (L/N).I t had been several years (Y/N) had become the general of the Alpha Squad, but after the reunification wars, (Y/N) had been promoted to General of the Terran army. Right now the general was doing some paper work.

(Y/N) tried to grab a file from one of his desk drawers. He managed to grab the report and when he looked back at the desk, he saw a photo. (Y/N) grabbed the margin of the photo, it was the photo he had taken with his family on graduation day. The whole family showed up, including Moreau. (Y/N) smiled behind his mask. It had been 5 years since he had seen his family. (Y/N) still remembered the cries of his sisters when Sam incorporated him into training before... the dark times. (Y/N) was pulled from his thoughts by the noise of someone knocking on the door.

*knock knock*

(Y/N): Come in.

A soldier carrying a file entered (Y/N)'s office.

Soldier: *salutes (Y/N)* Sir, the negotiatons were aproved, sir. You have green light to begin with operation Winter Storm.

(Y/N): At ease soldier. Perfect, give me that file and go find my team. Tell them to get ready and that the debriefing starts in 20 minutes. After that rest for a while and then go back to your squad, Understood?

Soldier: Sir, yes sir.

The soldier gave the file to (Y/N) and left the room leaving the general alone. (Y/N) opened the file containing the mission objectives.

(Y/N): Alright. It's time to get my hands dirty.

Debrifing room.

(Y/N) P.O.V:

I entered the briefing room, where my team was already waiting for me. They all got up and saluted me.

(Y/N): At ease. Alright guys, listen up. We have a mission to accomplish.

Frank: It's been a while since we had a mission, sir. What is it about?

(Y/N): Thanks for asking Frank. The mission is search and rescue, equipment recovery and the requisition of a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands . A couple of weeks ago a couple of our guys and gear crates got sucked into one of our portals, which went out of control. After a few hours we were able to track their radio signal across the multiverse. The Town Hunters team was sent to rescue them and retrieve the equipment. But it was already too late. At the scene we discovered traces of gunpowder and a couple of our dead boys and corpses of the enemy. Of thefifteen soldiers who were sucked in, six were found dead and 50 enemy dead.

Glen: At least they were able to take a couple with them to the grave. What are we dealing with sir?

I looked at Glen and knew he wasn't going to believe me when I told them who our new enemy was. But well here goes nothing.

(Y/N):*sigh*... Vikings.

The boys looked at me with a face that said I was kidding them.

Gideon: Sir, with all due respect, are we sure that the information is correct?

(Y/N): Yes, Gideon. I checked the information myself and I know it sounds stupid, but yes, modern soldiers lost to Vikings. According to the field analyst, there were many footprints, which suggests that our men had to deal with a very large contingent of Vikings. According to the estimates of the field analyst, around five thousand. They were outnumbered and were surely surrounded by the Vikings.

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