(For Honor) Chapter 11

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Third person POV:

After a couple of weeks following the events of Portworth, (Y/N) had already informed his team about the Iron Legion deserters. (Y/N) and his men proceeded cautiously, trying to gather information about the deserters and Apollyon, but didn't find much. (Y/N) and the team continued to receive missions with Amber, Stone, and Ademar, fighting against the Viking threat that had already gained a foothold in Ashfeld. Right now, Amber and (Y/N) were walking side by side in silence at a Blackstone Legion camp, as Holden had summoned them. Amber decided to break the silence between the two by asking (Y/N) a question.

Amber: What do you think it will be this time?

(Y/N): If I had to guess, more Vikings.

Amber nodded and didn't say anything more as they approached Holden. Holden was gazing at the ruins of a fort that had been taken by the Vikings in the distance. Holden heard them approaching, and when the two stood beside him, he watched them for a few seconds before returning his gaze to the fort.

Holden: The last of the Vikings have holed up in an outpost up ahead. One that the Iron Legion deserted.

(Y/N) and Amber didn't say anything and continued on the path leading to the outpost.

Holden: Need backup?

(Y/N): We can handle it.

As the two moved forward, Holden simply shook his head slightly.

Holden: Careful with that ego.

(Y/N) and Amber continued to advance and passed behind a wall where Stone, Ademar, Frank, Billy, Gideon, and Glen were waiting for them. AMber and (Y/N) looked at them. 

Amber: Ready?

Stone: Lead the way.

The group continued to advance along the road, with Amber at the head of the group.

Amber: "Deserters? I want to see for myself"

The group continued to advance along the road in formation and in silence. Stone decided to break the silence within the group by asking Amber something.

Stone: Something you want to talk about?

Amber: Not yet.

In the distance, five Vikings could be seen guarding the road. (Y/N) and his men positioned themselves behind some rocks on the path, aiming their silenced weapons at the Vikings. The knights also took cover behind rocks, as they had done on numerous occasions, waiting for (Y/N) and his team to eliminate the Vikings.

(Y/N): Drop them on my mark. 3... 2... 1... mark.

The sound of silenced weapons was followed by the sound of the five Viking bodies falling lifelessly to the ground.

(Y/N): Targets eliminated.

(Y/N) and the group moved behind the rocks and continued advancing in formation towards the outpost. Once they were close enough to the outpost's gate, the group hid behind a fallen log while some Vikings tossed the body of an Iron Legion archer from one of the watchtowers.

Stone: Doesn't look too hard.

Glen: For now.

Frank: Don't jinx it.

Amber: Everywhere we go, we've abandoned our people. What has happened to the Iron Legion?

(Y/N): Who knows? It might be a multifactorial thing.

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