(Resident Evil) Chapter 2

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(Y/N) POV:

(Y/N): What's your proposition? 

O'Dimm:*Smiling* Simple you'll have to follow me to another world. The world of your parents.

(Y/N):*Confused* You must be wrong, we already are at my parents world.

O'Dimm*Laughs* You are the wrong one. Summer and Tai are not your biological parents.

(Y/N):*Confused* What do you mean?

O'Dimm: Your biological parents were (D/N) and (M/N) (L/N) and they were from the planet Earth. Your father was a general and your mother a politician. They arrived at this planet by accident.

(Y/N): What happened to them?

O'Dimm smile vanished from his face after I asked that.

O'Dimm: That's a sad story, you sure you want to hear it?

(Y/N): Yes.

O'Dimm: To understand how your parents arrived here first we must lern somethings about the earthlings. Are you familiar with the parallel universe theory?

(Y/N): No, What is that?

O'Dimm: Parallel universes or parallel worlds are the name of a physical hypothesis in which the existence of several universes or relatively independent realities come into play. The development of quantum physics and the search for a unified theory (quantum theory of gravity), together with the development of string theory, have hinted at the possibility of the existence of multiple parallel universes forming a multiverse. Your father believed a lot in this theory, he decided to hire the best scientists, so that they could create a functional portal that would allow them to travel between parallel universes. These scientists managed to create the portal, but it became unstable and another portal opened at the entrance of the base sucking  your parents and somo other soldiers when they were returning from a political mission. Your mother died when the humvee driver lost control of the car and smashed into the land, your father and the soldiers who survived the crash created a perimeter and trated the wounded, but the commotion and negative emotions of the soldiers attracted the Grimm like moths to the light. Your father and his soldiers faught bravely, but they were outnumered and in the end your father was wounded and all of his soldiers died. When the battle ended, the Grimm scattered through the forest and your father, who was still alive, crawled to the Hunvee where you were, took you in his arms and decided to get away from the place in case the Grimm returned. In the end, she leaned against a tree and began to cradle you in her arms, until Summer arrived at the scene, found your dying father, and he begged her to adopt you. Summer agreed and then your father seccumbed to his injuries. And that's how you ended up on this planet. I'm... I'm sorry for your loss. I'll give you a minute, when you are ready, we will talk about what I offer.

O'Dimm walked over to a tree and sat on one of the roots that jutted out from the surface and started to read a book. This news were a lot to take in, my parents, the planet Earth and my origin. I sat there on the ground for an ahour thinking what to do. I fanilly came to the conclution If the earthlings have the necessary technology to try to open a portal between two parallel universes, they would have what it takes to help me get revenge on Tai. I got up and went to talk to O'Dimm to tell him about my decision. When I was inforny of him he closed his book, looked at me in the eyes and smiled.

O'Dimm: Good now that you have chosen to go to Earth we can proceed.

(Y/N): How did you-

O'Dimm:*nterrupting (Y/N)* I already told you (Y/N). I know everything. Now *standing up* if we're going to travel to Earth, you're going to need to change your clothes.

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