(For honor) Chapter 12

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(Y/N) was sitting on the easter wall looking at the sunset as he talk to himself.

(Y/N) POV:

It's been a couple of days since we cleared that stronghold and a few months since this hole fiasco started. The boys are a bit nervous, who could blame them? We need to recover our lost gear and rescue our guys, only God knows where the fuck they are. Also, we don't know if we can trust Apollyon. Her and her damn personal agenda. What the hell does she gain with our intervention? What is she really planning to do? Glen couldn't find anything in the Legion's archives. Glen is asking the wrong questions to the wrong people in the wrong places.

Glen is a good soldier, and even one of the best Delta I've ever seen, but damn, he insists on playing fair. Glen is neither afraid nor has an issue with getting his hands dirty, but he prefers to do everything by the book, unlike me. And that's precisely the problem; in the world, we need more people like Glen, not like me. People like me only create problems instead of solving them. People like me only serve as attack dogs when the war trumpets sound.

Going back to the topic. Maybe I should start asking questions; a good night with Holden is all I need. Damn, what I would give to have a good interrogator/torturer right now. Not that I'm bad at it, but when people are 100% dedicated to their job, they bring the best results to the table, like Israel. Israel Hands, one of mine, the troublemakers. Israel would crack the information out of any of these knights in less than 30 minutes. Nobody can keep secrets from Israel Hands, not even I could.

Changing the subject, I have to admit that this place has incredible views, the sunset is quite beautiful. The guards walked past me while on their rounds, ignoring me and only greeting me occasionally. I only turned my head to see who was coming when I heard the sounds of chainmail and steel plates hitting with each step the person took. Speaking of the devil, it was Apollyon.

Apollyon: Of all places, I never thought I'd find you here (Y/N). It surprises me to see you outside the training room.

(Y/N): It may surprises you, but I can be outside the training room. Besides, can't a man enjoy some moments of peace?

Apollyon: *Chuckling* Only if the man has earned it.

(Y/N): Haven't I earned it?

Apollyon sat a few centimeters away from me looking at the horizon.

Apollyon: Beautiful, isn't it?

(Y/N): Yeah... it is.

Apollyon: I suppose on your planet there must be landscapes and views as beautiful as these.

(Y/N): Yes, there are. I'm surprised that someone like you pays attention to views and landscapes.

Apollyon:*Being sarcastic.* How funny you are. As you said before, It may surprice you, but I can enjoy things that aren't a battlefield.

I raised up my hands in defense.

(Y/N): I am just being curiose, that's all.

I putted my arms down as Apollyon chuckled a little.

Apollyon: Asshole.

(Y/N): I have been called that a lot.

Apollyon: I wonder why.

(Y/N): Now you are being an ass.

We both shared a chuckle

(Y/N): Now can I ask you a question?

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