(For Honor) Chapter 10

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Third person POV:

The next day, during the morning, (Y/N) and his team were outside the fortress accompanied by Amber, Ademar, and Stone, who was already being knighted by the Black Stone Legion. (Y/N) and her team were having target practice with some targets.

Ademar: Do you think that the training Sargent will notice that you have stolen the tragets for the archers practice?

(Y/N): I don't think so. And if it does, I can handle it.

Billy was shooting at targets placed at longer ranges and also at the fruits of trees. Billy shot an apple that was being blown by the wind and hit the target.

Billy: Damm. I am so fucking good.

Glen: Show off.

Billy: But it is true.

Frank: That you are a show off? Yep that is 100% accurate.

The group shared a chuckle.

(Y/N) decided to make the shooting practice a bit more interesting. (Y/N) took a deck of poker cards out of Billy's backpack and addressed the group.

(Y/N): Gentlemen, let's make things more dynamic. Frank, Glen and Gideon, prone to the ground. Let's play poker. Billy you kept killing apples.

Billy: Yes sir.

Amber was a little confused.

Amber: I thought that you said that you were going to train your aim, not play cards.

(Y/N) started looking for duct tape in Frank's backpack until he found it.

(Y/N): We are going to keep training, I am just doing things a little bit more dynamic. You will see.

Amber decided not to question (Y/N) and leaned against a tree to see what the soldiers were going to do. (Y/N) went over to the targets and placed them all together, then began to tape all the cards to the targets. (Y/N) returned to the rest and stood next to Frank, Glen and Gideon.

Gideon: What are we playing today, sir?

(Y/N): It depends on how lucky I feel today Gideon. Take aim.

The team readied their rifles and took aim. (Y/N) also had grabded a binoculars and he started to watched the targets.

(Y/N): Let's start with something easy. Give me a pair of sevens.

Frank and Gideon shot two sevens.

(Y/N): Not bad. I might fell that my luck is increasing. I belive that next hand it will be a little stronger. Give me a trio of aces.

Frank, Gideon and Glen shot at three aces.

Frank: It looks like you are getting luckier sir.

(Y/N): It seems so. Give me a straight flush.

Frank and Gideon shot at a single card while Glen shot at two cards. The soldiers continued with this dynamic for several minutes. The soldiers also continued to practice their marksmanship. Amber approached (Y/N) while he was shooting.

Amber: I am not going yo lie (Y/N) you have an impresive aim.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Amber: How long have you been training your aim?

(Y/N): Since I was 17 years old. Now I am 26 years old.

Amber: So you've been practicing your marksmanship for nine years. I see why you're so good with... what was it's name?

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