(For Honor) Chapter 9

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AN: Since nobody awnsered in the votation expect for one persone I took matters into my oun hands and I added Cyberpunk into the story. Also sorry for the delay on the chapter, I had very rough and bad weeks.





Third person POV:

The group had stopped because it was already dark. (Y/N) started building a small bonfire, while Billy and Frank went hunting for an animal for the knights since they had military rations. Glen had wandered off to get branches for the campfire, while Gideon was making sure Ademar's wounds hadn't reopened. Amber and Stone were sitting near (Y/N) while he built the small bonfire. Stone looked at (Y/N).

Stone: So, Where are you and your men from?

(Y/N): From another place.

Stone: You can surley tell me something better than that.

(Y/N): Sorry, but no.

Amber: He doesn't want to tell me neither.

Stone: Seriusly?

Amber: Yep.

(Y/N): Sorry. It's classified.

Ademar: Ohhh come on (Y/N) don't be like that *Ademar grunts a little*

Gideon: Don't move, I'm traying to bandage you up.

(Y/N) finished building the bonfire and he light it up.

(Y/N): I can't tell you were are we from. I can only tell you that we aren't from here.

Stone: That's obvius, but why?

(Y/N) sat on the floor while looking at the campfire.

(Y/N): Because in this specific operation it is better that it is not known where we come from.

The knights were confused by this.

Ademar: Why?

(Y/N): Because my leaders thought that this would be the best course of action and I trust their judgment.

Now the knights had more questions than answers, but before they could say anything Frank and Billy returned from hunting. They had both managed to kill a deer, but half of the deer's head had been destroyed by the power of Billy's .50-caliber McMillan Tac-50. The knights were surprised to see that a portion of the deer's head was missing.

Amber: What happened to that deer?!?

(Y/N): A bullet happened. *(Y/N) sighted* Was it really necessary to hunt with the McMillan?

Billy: What? It was for practise!

(Y/N) sighted.

(Y/N): You could have hunted with Franks rifke.

Billy: Yeah, but it wouldn't have been the same.

(Y/N) shook his head and sighed again.

(Y/N): just... skin the fucking animal and cook it for them. I'm going to find Glen.

Frank: He's looking for sticks, sir. He'll come back.

(Y/N): Yes, that's true, but he left 40 minutes ago and he still hasn't come back. I'm going to check that something hasn't happened to him. 

(Y/N) stood up as Billy skinned the deer. Amber also stood up.

Amber: I'll go with you, we can't have you getting hurt, can we?

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